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Sports & Recreation Safety For Children

Sports can provide children with physical (i.e. weight maintenance, coordination, fitness) and emotional (i.e. confidence, self-discipline, self-esteem) benefits. However, risks of injury do exist. According to the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH), from 1997 to 1999, kids between the ages of five and 14 had almost 2.4 million recreational and sports injuries! Though the vast majority of sports injuries among children are minor, they can produce grave conditions and perhaps lifelong health difficulties.
Children are at an even greater risk than adults of becoming injured, as they are still growing. Thus, the possibility of acquiring damaged muscles, ligaments, bones, and tendons, is much higher than for adults. However, parents and coaches can take particular steps to lower the hazards and brutality of sports-related and recreation-related injuries, in children.
Children’s safety in recreational and sporting activities begins with the organization of the activities themselves. Instead of being grouped by age, the children should be grouped according to skill, weight, and size. This is principally true in regards to contact sports. The performances of children, who are smaller compared to others their age, often exceed their capability. This is done to complete with stronger and huger children their own age. Thus, their chances of becoming injured increases. It is vital to learn how certain sports programs place children into groups.
Secondly, you ought to learn more about the coaches and sports facility where your child plays. Certified athletic trainers with skills in identifying and averting sports injures, work at several facilities. Also, verify that sufficient Child Safety Signs and Children at Play signs have been posted around the area.
In addition to the organization of your child’s sporting activities, equipment is another major factor. More than 200,000 injuries yearly transpire in the U.S., on playground equipment. Malfunctioning equipment or equipment not secured properly can augment the risk of injury to your child. Furthermore, your child’s protective gear should be the proper size, fit and safety-evaluated for a particular sport. Your son or daughter should also know how to use protective gear properly.
Lastly, several medical-related steps can be taken to both prevent and treat injuries. Before your child’s sports season starts, your pediatrician should provide him or her with a physical examination. Next, ensure that your child only plays sports when she feels comfortable and physically able to do that. Nonetheless, even when various precautions have been taken, such as the installing of Child Safety Signs and Children at Play signs in an area, accidents happen. When the child is injured, tired or sick, he or she must cease playing immediately. “Playing through” the injury can be detrimental to the child’s health. Also, if your child suffers an injury or a constant symptom that negatively affects his or her playing ability, medical care should be obtained.
Increasingly more children today are enjoying the world of sports and recreation. While many benefits exist for them, parents should also use various means to secure their safety, such as by posting Child Safety Signs and Children at Play signs where the sporting takes place.

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