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Maintaining Motivation During Penis Enlargement

Penis enlargement always seems like a good idea at first. Even those who don’t believe in the effectiveness of penis enlargement techniques and who dismiss all results as frauds, fakes and scams would certainly not mind to be proved wrong. There are few men on the face of the earth that are completely satisfied with the size of their penises. Still, the hardest thing about penis enlargement is to hang on to that initial feeling that you’re doing something good for yourself.
Motivation is crucial to all human endeavors. It’s what makes the world turn around for humans. Properly motivated men and women can do things that may seem unlikely at first. Every person engaged in any activity that has tedious parts knows that maintaining motivation is the only way to get through and achieve results. Losing focus and allowing demotivation to creep up on you is the surest way to throw away a lot of hard work.
Penis enlargement exercises suffer from the same problem. They are repetitive and can get to be downright boring sometimes. Just like gym, or professional athletic training, or piano lessons, penis enlargement exercises may seem tedious early on. Regardless of what you’re doing, routines are never fun. The trick is to keep your goal in mind and do whatever you feel necessary not to lose focus. The easiest thing to do is to keep thinking about your goal.
Do you want those extra inches? Do you want to see “shock and awe” on the faces of ladies? Then you’d better quit bitching and start doing those reps. If necessary, write these questions on post-it notes and place them in your bathroom, or wherever you’re doing your exercises. The questions will help you focus on the positive results of penis exercises and strengthen your will to achieve them. You can make a workout chart and mark up every performed routine in blue and every missed routine in red. The fewer the red dots, the faster will those gains come.
Remember that it takes some time before the first results are visible. Muscles, tissues, bones and other parts of the body do not grow over night. The penis, too, needs time to respond to your program of exercises. Talk to other people of forums. This will help you understand the penis enlargement process and get first hand accounts of successful enlargement stories. Every forum user will also tell you that a lot of patience is required and that results come only to those who work hard and show a lot of persistence.
Give yourself small rewards for a day, a week or a month of steady exercising. You’ve been a patient man and trained hard and you deserve a reward. Buy yourself something nice, invite a good-looking girl to dinner or do something you’ve been wanting to do for a long time. And remember to refrain from measuring yourself every day. Penis measurements should only be done every 3 or 4 weeks. Otherwise the results will simply be disappointing and your motivation to continue will suffer.
The bottom line is: don’t give up. The road is long, hard and tedious, but worth every minute. Always remember that your goal is to have men look at your bulging crotch with respect and women falling over themselves to see if that penis is really the monster it promises to be. And if you put enough effort and persistence into it, nothing can stop you.

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