Obiaks Blog

Confidence And Poise… Girls Do You Have It?

How many of us are not confident about how we handle life’s situations? Truth is you may be confident in some area of your life but not others.
I grew up a very shy person and was not comfortable going out of my comfort zone. I always stayed in the background and tried to make myself less noticeable. It was especially painful in-group activities that involved boys. But as luck would have it, it was at a school dance that I had a breakthrough.
I was sitting in the background hoping a boy would ask me to dance but also terrified that I would get asked. It finally happened. There was a boy approaching me and I was shaking. But I noticed something odd, that he was shaking too. He stuttered when he asked me and it suddenly occurred to me, he was as scared as I was. It was a huge revelation to me. That moment changed me and in later dances I became the one who would ask the boys to dance and I felt very confident. I stepped out of my comfort zone and it became easy. This was a major step for a young girl.
This is true in all areas of your life. Confront what you don’t want to, get it done and you realize it’s not so bad.
Oddly enough it was my daughter who really inspired me and her friends. At 12 years old she signed up for a modeling course. It was something she really wanted to do. They taught her how to walk, hold herself up with her head high, she developed excellent poise and learned how to be comfortable in front of a lot of people while walking down the runway. They taught her how to apply makeup and how to choose clothes. She modeled for only 2 years before she decided to stop but it forever changed her and she has maintained incredible poise and confidence.
When you have confidence and poise you will stand out and even if you don’t feel completely comfortable. Often you see people in sports with the same confidence. If you make yourself affect a look of confidence soon you will realize that you are. Motivational posters in your home or work place are a great way to remind yourself what you are trying to accomplish. There is a great motivational print called “Girl Power-Soccer” which says, “Have the courage to stand out”. Have confidence and poise and you will stand out!
Enjoy the adventure!