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A Crash Course In Herbal Medicines

The use of herbal medicines is gaining more and more popularity nowadays, as people have started looking for alternatives to conventional drugs. Perhaps the use of herbs for curative purposes is most common in Europe, where even the term “apothecary” is still used in Germany. In the United States, the use of herbal medicine is also rising, as many people now prefer them over chemically-produced prescription drugs. In fact, there is now a growing community of medical doctors that allow and even recommend herbal medicine to their patients, either as a stand-alone cure or taken together with conventional medical treatment.

You can also take herbal medicines on your own, although it is widely recommended that you first consult a physician before ingesting any type of medication. You also have to be aware of the different types of herbs and their general uses. Nowadays a lot of people still indulge in self-medication without being fully aware of the proper use and dosage of such medicines. Acquiring an adequate knowledge about herbal medicines will allow you to get the most out of their curative properties without negative consequences.
Here are some of the most common therapeutic actions of herbal medicines:
Diuretic Herbal Therapy – Herbalists have always believed that water is the most important nutrient for life. They believe that a water balance exists in the body, and problems can result if this balance is disturbed. It is believed that by careful regulation of the body’s water, symptoms such as hypoglycemia can be alleviated. Some herbs that are believed to possess water-balancing properties include dandelions, horsetail, and juniper berries.
Perspiration Herbal Therapy – Perspiring is actually an age-old remedy that was used to get rid of illnesses and infections like cold and flu. Usually, perspiration is achieved by drinking hot herbal teas. Sometimes, a hot bath is also recommended, which is followed by resting in bed covered by warm blankets. Herbs like cayenne, peppermint and ginger are among the common herbs used to induce perspiration.
Stimulation Herbal Therapy – Herbalists believe that most illnesses come from a sluggish flow of energy, which includes lymph, blood, nutrients, nerves, and even body waste products. This flow of energy needs to be stimulated in order that health may be restored to the body. Some herbs that are believed to stimulate this flow of energy include black pepper, ginger, and cloves.
Tranquilization Herbal Therapy – Symptoms like irritability, nervousness, or insomnia are often cured by using herbs that are believed to possess natural tranquilizing properties. These soothing herbs can soothe and lubricate joints and bones, calm the muscles and nervous system, and relieve pain. Herbs that are regarded as natural tranquilizers include marshmallow root, oats, and valerian.
Tonification Herbal Therapy – A herbalist will usually recommend tonification for a patient who’s feeling run down or weak. Sometimes it also works for patients recovering from a serious health condition. Tonification works by improving nutritional deficiencies in the body. A lot of herbs are naturally rich in vitamins and minerals, so certain herbs will be helpful for certain patients. Herbs that are considered natural tonifiers include alfalfa, goldenseal, and seaweed.

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