Gross Archive

Jake The Border Collie Tells His Tales

Hi everyone, it’s Jake here again... with a follow-up to my first dog story, that was called “Jake’s Own Story” and gave a brief biographical insight into my life so far.
Here is my update... The last two years have been busy for mom and dad, for one reason or another, but somehow they always had time for me!
Whenever they arrived home, I was always there with a big “Hello, missed you loads and it’s great to have you home”. I think this helped to relax them a bit…since I always got taken for walks, no matter how tired they were. We didn’t go very far sometimes but I always made the most of it and would enjoy every moment. I would just be myself and as everyone knows, a dog can have a good time doing nothing.
During the summer months, which were really hot and sunny, it sometimes got a bit too hot for me. You see, as a Border Collie, I have to wear this black and white fur coat all the time!! Thankfully, the nice thing is that my Mom and Dad take me down to the beach where I can run around at the waters edge…and cool down!
They usually find a stick to throw in the water for me, so I can go for a swim. The trouble is I love swimming so much, that I never, ever want to get out of the water... I’m usually well-behaved, so I see being in the sea as a way to get my own way (and it’s fun too!)
The colder winter months are just as much fun, but in a different way. We still go down on the beach, but I’m not allowed to go in the water, when it’s bitterly cold... but I still do!!
My technique is to sneak down to the water’s edge, by running after an imaginary bird or even a smell that doesn’t exist and… Hey Presto (you’ve guessed it), somehow the water creeps up on me and before you now it... I’m swimming!
There are lots of other nice places that we go for long walks. One place we go I have to walk on the lead for a short time, but it doesn’t take long before I am allowed off the lead and can run around anywhere I want... it’s great!
Sometimes Mom and Dad play games like hide and seek with me and while I am having a good old sniff around in the bushes, one of them will go and hide. Suddenly, I notice that one of them is missing and I just have to find them. They always fail to hide effectively, since my nose never lets me down and easily tells me where they are hiding. Little do they know that sometimes I pretend not to know where they are (to make the game last a bit longer).
Earlier this year we all went on a lovely holiday. It must have been a long way from home as we were in the car for quite some time. Eventually, we arrived at this idyllic country location to be greeted by fellow dogs, that very quickly became my friends. I think they lived at the farm where we were staying, as they would come round to the cottage door all the time and play games.
I think I will stop this dog story for now, ‘cos I can hear my dinner being served... Being a food-loving dog, I can’t miss that, can I?
Do come back again soon, when I will tell you all about my holiday and more of my doggie tales.

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