Gross Archive

Grubs-a Small Pest That Can Devastate Your Lawn

You can get the better of grubs, though they're among the most damaging lawn pests in the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Americans spend millions of dollars a year replacing the lawns that grubs destroy. They're small, white insects with a brown head curled into a "C" shape.
White grubs live a few inches under your lawn and feed on the roots of your grass. Grubs are the larvae-or "juvenile" stage-of various kinds of scarab beetles, including Japanese beetles, chafers, and June and May beetles.
"When grubs are close to the surface, starlings and crows, as well as moles, shrews and skunks, can be seen digging them up because they're a food source," says Bayer Advanced™ lawn expert Lance Walheim, who wrote the book "Lawn Care for Dummies."
Identifying grub damage can be tricky. Look for:
• A general thinning and weakening of the lawn
• A wilted or dried-out look to your grass, even when soil is moist
• Large, brown, irregular patches of grass
• Large patches of dead turf that can easily be pulled up in one piece, like a piece of carpet.
"Grub damage is most severe in late summer, but problems can begin as early as mid- to late spring. Grubs are easiest to control when they are young, so prevention is key by taking action starting in May through early summer," says Walheim.
One preventive measure is Bayer Advanced™ Season-Long Grub Control, which contains Merit®. It's the only active ingredient guaranteed to kill all common types of grubs and is the #1 choice among turf professionals. Simply apply to your lawn and water it in to form a protective zone against grubs that protects all season long.
If your lawn is already under attack, Bayer Advanced™ 24-Hour Grub Killer Plus provides a quick solution. It contains the proprietary active ingredient Dylox®, which works faster than any other grub killer on the market. In fact, grubs usually stop feeding and start to die within 24 hours. It also kills sod webworms, mole crickets and cutworms.

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