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Do It Yourself Dna Testing

DNA testing was popularized only in recent years mainly due to having it extremely handy when it comes to high-profile criminal investigations as well as in paternity cases. DNA, otherwise known as deoxyribonucleic acid, is most commonly used in trying to prove the relationship of an individual to another person, that linking is aimed at trying to determine whether or not those two people are related or not.
1. New Testing Methods
There are also various new tests that have been created in recent years, however, which have also turned to DNA testing, a highly popular tool for determining a person’s ancestry. As DNA is passed down from one generation of your family to the next, there are some parts that still remain almost unchanged. This creates the highly unbreakable link between family generations and through DNA testing. DNA testing can also be of great help when trying to reconstruct one’s family history
2. Paternity Tests
However, DNA testing, in spite of its many benefits is not able to provide you with your entire family tree or be able to tell you who your ancestors are. DNA testing can, however, determine if you are related to the other person whom you have the test with. DNA testing can also determine if you and that other person have a same ancestor. DNA testing will also be able to provide you with the information that you will be needing in order to prove or negate the research you have been able to obtain about your family tree. Lastly, through DNA testing, you will be provided with clues in regards to your ethnic origin.
3. How DNA Testing Works
DNA testing has been around for so many years yet is has only gotten quite a following only recently since a lot of people can not afford the incredibly high rates that they will be charged for their DNA testing. However, there are home DNA testing kits which can either be ordered through the mail or even over the internet at a price which is still befitting of one’s budget (less that $300 to be exact) and all you have to do is to just be able to obtain a sample of your cells through a cotton swab or through a mouthwash, it really is fairly easy to do.
Then you have to be able to send those samples back to the lab for your DNA testing wherein you will have to wait for around a month or even two months before you get the results of your DNA testing. The DNA testing results are a series of numbers that represent the key chemical markers within your DNA. These numbers can be compared with the results from other individuals who took the DNA test in order to help you determine your ancestry.
When it comes to DNA testing, one must be extremely patient waiting for the results - and whatever the result you get from your DNA test, just accept it as the tests are over 99% accurate.

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