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Learn These Problems Now, And You Can Avoid Your Cat Becoming Ill In The Future

Cats, like any other animal out there, can become sick. There are several health problems that can affect your cat. If you have never owned one though you may not realize just what those can be. Knowing what to look for can protect your pet’s health.
The hairball is probably the most common of them. Cats will groom themselves and this allows loose hair to come off the pet and end up in the stomachs. Instead of passing easily, the hair can form a ball within the stomach. If your cat starts coughing and hacking he may have a hairball that he’s trying to expel. You can help prevent hairballs by grooming your cat frequently to remove the excess hair that will cause them. You can feed your cat food that will help to control it too. Even some cat treats are available to help you to keep your cat’s healthy.
Urinary tract infections are another common problem for many cats. These are particularly common in cats that are not neutered, especially males. If the cat stopped using his litter box, an infection can be the cause. If the cat’s urine smells strong, this can be a sign as well. In order to treat this condition, you will need to visit the vet. But, there are some cat foods out there that can help to limit the episodes of infection your cat will have.
Cats can get viruses too. Some of these include the following: Feline Leukemia Virus, Feline Infectious Peritonitis, and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus.
FIP is a disease that is related to the Corona virus. This is a serious problem because there is no known treatment for the disease. Cats that test positive for it may not actually have it as Corona has the same results. There is a vaccine for FIP but many vets feel it is not very effective. The good news is that it is not easy for the cat to catch it.
FIV or cat AIC is not always something that will kill the animal. It is important to note that you can not catch HIV from a cat though.
FLV is a preventable condition if the cat has not been exposed to the virus before being immunized. Cats that have the disease will not die right away, most of the time, but it can shorten the life expectancy of the pet. It is important to keep other cats away from a pet that has this condition.
Worms are another problem that can affect your pet. These can be roundworms, tapeworms or hookworms. They can occasionally develop heart worms as well. Those cats that can not gain weight are infested with fleas and those who have white specks in their stool should be taken to the vet for testing for worms. If your pet does have worms, it can be fatal if it is untreated but most pets can be cured from it with a few doses of medication.
Another condition in which many cats that go outdoors will have is ticks. Symptoms include the pet being lethargic and acting like they are in pain. If you suspect that your pet may have this condition, make sure to take him to the vet to have them removed. Also, the vet will likely treat him for Lyme Disease which can be transmitted to you and your family as well as to pets by the ticks.
There are a number of useful websites that can give you information about diseases that affect your cat. However, it is essential that if you suspect your pet of having any of these conditions that you seek out the help of a vet right away.

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