Not all massage classes are the same. In some cases these are just informal gatherings where people are going to learn how to be more sensual with their partner and have no healing qualities to them at all. Some places where you go to take massage therapy classes are there to teach you all of the proper techniques and the various styles of the massages. These places are also licensed and are designed to give you the opportunity to become certified in massage therapy thus making you a licensed massage therapist. There are many opportunities out there for you to find the right class and opportunity for you to be successful at the type and style of massage that you are interested in. There are also classes that are offered as degree programs from colleges and universities; however these are part of a larger overall program. This does not mean that you cannot just take a couple of classes at the school in order to simply get the education that you want from the program. Not all of the classes are actually recognized however. Sometimes the massage classes that you see advertised or offered are not created for use as professional aids, but for you simple instruction in introducing you to the art of massage therapy.
When looking to take a class in massage therapy, do some research. Go online and find out about the class that you are interested in. Look into the Better Business Bureau for complaints about the place you are looking to take the class at. Not everyone is going to be upfront and honest in regards to the classes and what they entail, some of them may not even be certified in massage therapy. This does not mean that this is what you are looking for when you go to receive a massage lesson. Think about what you are looking for when you go to take a class and find the class that best fits your needs whether it is just massages for fun, or if you are looking to give massages for a living.