Symptoms for PMS can begin from anytime after the ovulation that occurs approximately two weeks before the start of your menstruation cycle. During the last three to fourteen days of your cycle whereby you can notice various changes in your body that could also lead to some degree of distress.
These symptoms include swelling and tenderness in the breasts, temporary weight gain of some pounds, skin blemishes or acne, headaches, nausea or constipation followed by diarrhea at the onset of menstruation, increase in appetite or thirst, craving for certain food items such as sweets or items with high quantity of salt, increased irritability or mood swings, fatigue or insomnia, confusion or forgetfulness, feelings of anxiety or loss of control, sadness or uncontrolled crying etc.
Almost 150 physical and behavioral symptoms are associated with PMS which also complicates the diagnosis process and also makes it difficult to classify the condition as a specific disease. Mild premenstrual changes that some women experience have added to the confusion over PMS.
There are also certain unrelated medical problems that could mimic PMS and mislead you and your physician such as fibrocystic breast changes whereby non cancerous lumps are formed in the breast that are swollen and painful, endometriosis whereby the tissue from the lining of the uterus causes pain anywhere in the lower abdomen, unrecognized pelvic infections such as Chlamydia, dysmenorrhea or painful menstrual cramps that could prompt nausea and diarrhea, diabetes causing excessive thirst and hunger, endocrine disorders such as overactive thyroid, emotional disorders that could be confused with mood swings during PMS or any other sort of allergies.
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