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Stretch Marks - Cause And Treatment Options

Stretch Marks, known in the medical community as erythrocyanosis are a form of scarring that can occur when a person’s skin is overstretched.
The Two Main Stretch Mark Causes Are:
1) Pregnancy
2) Obesity
Stretch marks have the initial appearance of purple or red looking lines. In time Stretch Marks can fade to a white or off white color.
Stretch Marks are a VERY common condition. Just think of all the people who are either pregnant or overweight!
Stretch Marks are not just confined to the female population either – few people realize that they are a common complaint of male body builders.
Three Possible Stretch Mark Solutions
Stretch Mark Treatments vary from out-and-out scams to some very smart and scientific remedies.
Three of the most common are:
1. DERMABRASION. This is a serious medical procedure that takes place under a general anesthetic. Dermabrasion is definitely not for the faint of heart.
In Dermabrasion the surface of the skin is literally removed by a process of sanding. The aim of dermabrasion is to remove (or at least lessen) the appearance of scars, damage from the sun or dark spots.
The procedure is obviously very painful (hence the general anesthetic) and the healing process can take several months. However, the results can be quite spectacular.
Dermabrasion works best when the scar or mark being treated is above the surface of the skin and is generally much less effective when used to treat sunken scars.
Be Warned: Having a general anesthetic is NOT something to be taken lightly; it carries inherent risks and can be life-threatening. Always seek a second medical opinion (speak to more than one doctor).
2. MICRODERMABRASION. Often referred to as ‘Microderm’ this is far less invasive procedure that has become very popular throughout the Day Spa and cosmetic industries.
In Microdermabrasion the surface layer of the skin is removed by using a special wand with a roughened surface that lightly sands the skin. The shed skin particles are removed via a suction device attached to the wand.
People like Microdermabrasion because it has a reputation of being a safe, painless procedure that does not require an anesthetic.
3. SKIN TREATMENT CREAMS. This is one of those areas where you are most likely to encounter ‘wild claims’ and the general ‘rule of thumb’ here is that if something sounds too good to be true – it probably is.
That said, there are literally tens of thousands of people who swear by such things as Vitamin A Cream, Cocoa Butter and a whole raft of different specially formulated cosmetic creams.
One thing you can do is ask the people trying to sell you any Stretch Mark Removal treatment to show you before and after photographs of their last 50 clients.
Also, ask for written testimonials.
Skin care experts also say that the correct diet, nutritional supplements, rest and common sense (avoiding excessive sun exposure) can have a big impact on the skin’s ability to heal and its general appearance.

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