Especially around this time of year, many women swear there may be one more source of anxiety that scientists simply haven't recognized yet: the fear of trying on, and wearing, a bathing suit.
From the pasty skin-enhancing mirrors to the equally unflattering lighting, dressing rooms can liquefy any woman's self-esteem faster than a Popsicle on a hot summer day. But there is hope. Losing post-winter weight through a combination of nutritious eating and physical activity can make putting on a bathing suit manageable-if not downright enjoyable.
"As we replace bulkier sweaters and pants with less concealing blouses and shorts, it's natural to feel self-conscious about the extra pounds that may have crept on during the colder months," says Lisa Talamini, RD-Chief Nutritionist and Program Director for Jenny Craig, Inc. "The important thing is to not let this get you down, but to use it as a springboard for making lifestyle changes that can positively impact your health."
Just ask Jennifer K., a 33-year-old San Diego woman who lost 42 pounds* on the Jenny Craig program to enjoy more time at the pool and beach with her 2-year-old son, Cooper.
"I really wanted to take a swim class but was too embarrassed to put on a bathing suit," says Jennifer. "Since losing weight, I not only look better in a bikini than I did 15 years ago, I have more energy to splash in the water with Cooper and chase him in the sand."
Here are a few easy ways to get swimsuit-ready:
• Enjoy fresh-picked asparagus, green beans, summer squashes and bright-colored peppers in salads and stir-fry dishes.
• Savor the unique sights, sounds and smells of nature while you walk, to feel energized and rejuvenated.
• Trade regular soda for diet soda, and mayonnaise for mustard. Small substitutions reap big rewards.
• Start out your meal with a salad, bowl of fruit, broth-based soup or whole grain bread to feel satisfied sooner.
• If strapped for time, break up your half-hour fitness routine into three 10-minute sessions.
• Take a family walk or bike ride around the neighborhood after dinner to burn calories and spend quality time together.
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