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Facts About Respirators

First things first, respirators are primarily used to protect individuals - especially workers – from any air contaminants especially if there are no other possible or practical methods available to control them.
It is important to know that respirators are only to be used when administrative or engineering controls are technically not feasible, when controls in engineering are currently being repaired or when there are any emergencies or situations that could not be immediately resolved.
Contaminants in the air that contribute as a hazard to one’s respiratory health include mists, dusts, gases, fumes as well as atmospheres that are deficient in oxygen.
One way to control such situations is by designing a well maintained ventilation system, appropriate use of equipments for processing, the substitution of materials that are less hazardous.
Also, well controlled administrative procedures that are properly in place help limit the possible exposure of workers in areas that are contaminated. Having work hours that are reduced help prevent further contamination. However, such measures may also prove to be limited since the actual hazards are not really removed. This is the reason why administrative measures to control contaminants are generally not favored because such methods are usually difficult to maintain and are a bit unreliable.
But first, it is best that employers possess a program that provides a description as well as procedures on how to select and operate a respiratory equipment. Such details should be part of a complete program on respiratory protection not just a respirator, since the latter is basically useless unless a valid program is in place.
Components of an authentic respiratory program include the following: assessment of exposure, a program for training, keeping records and inspection, appropriate respirator storage, surveillance of health, evaluation of the respirator program. Also, the operating standard procedures should also be available in writing.
Part of a comprehensive respiratory program are physicians that are able to examine the fitness – both psychological and medical – of the workers. This process should be completed prior to such workers being assigned to areas wherein the use of respirators are required. It is important that workers are fit physically while working, this while they are wearing respiratory gears.
Such equipments when worn should also be comfortable.
It is important that workers with sideburns that are long, or those who have beards or hair stubbles not wear any respiratory gears since such facial hairs could cause breakage on the seal in between the mask and the skin. Also, eyeglasses should also be avoided as this would also break the seal. This basically means that a leakage may occur on the mask therefore the necessary protection will most likely not be provided. A worker who happen to have acne or any scars on the face may make any mask worn to be not as good compared to one who have no skin problems.
There are basically two kinds of respirators. One is a respirator that purifies the air, while another is a respirator that is supplied with air.
The first basically removes any contaminants on the air that is breathed via its filtering of any dust, mists or metal fume particulates. There are also other air purifiers that absorb such particulates and trap these I canisters.
Meanwhile, the air respirators that are supplied clean the air using an air tank that is compressed.
All in all, respirators do well in keeping the air clean and breathable. The appropriate selection of such an equipment especially in hazardous areas that have unclean air is very important.