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Tips To Help Your Dog Sleep Through The Night

Barking. Whining. Destructing furniture. Your hyperactive pooch's lack of sleepiness may be the cause of your restless nights.
Though most dogs sleep from 10 to 14 hours a day, some tend to be off schedule with your sleep time due to lack of routine, hyperactivity or anxiety.
Pluto Pet, maker of natural supplements for pets, offers the following tips to help your dog - and you - have a restful night.
* Make sure your dog gets well-balanced meals. The first step to healthy sleep is a healthy diet. According to the American Kennel Club, puppies need more calories and essential nutrients than adult dogs. For this reason, you should choose foods specially formulated for puppies. Adult dogs should be fed according to their size and energy needs.
* Give your pet a relaxing supplement. To quickly and effectively calm your canine down, some veterinarians suggest giving your dog a calming product, such as Pluto Pet's Pet Calming Spray. After two to four squirts in your pet's mouth, Pet Calming Spray relieves restlessness, fear, nervousness and aggression, helping antsy pets sleep throughout the night. The spray meets all Food and Drug Administration guidelines for good manufacturing practices and causes no negative side effects.
* Provide your canine with an exercise routine. Help your pooch get rid of pent-up energy. Walk your dog at least twice a day and make sure you set aside time to play every day. Just like with humans, exercise helps dogs stay healthy.
* Set a bedtime. Put your dog to bed at a designated time every night. This will help your canine companion conform to your sleeping schedule. Make sure you give your pet the opportunity to go to the bathroom right before bedtime.
* Create a comfortable sleeping area. Provide your dog with a blanket, towel or pillow to sleep on. Whether your pet sleeps indoors or outdoors, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals says that enclosed areas, such as dog crates or dog houses, give many pets a sense of security and a sleeping spot to call their own.

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