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Is Spring Cleaning Or Easter Eggs The Health Hazard

What is it about spring that brings the goodness out in people, could it be waking up to our feathered friends whistling their morning tune? Is it to do with the buds on the pink cherry blossom trees or the lemon daffodil trumpets standing tall with pride? How about the spring lambs or the hatching of yellow fluffy chicks. Could it be the coming of Easter bonnet parades - is our sense of feeling on top of the world encouraged by chocolate Easter eggs or is it the rising of our lord Jesus Christ that gives us all the reason behind why we feel as good as we do bringing out the goodness in us all?
All these pleasant happenings and events contribute to how we celebrate the spring seasonal months. How do we do this? By spring cleaning of course where no stone is left unturned, it is where every inch of the house is cleaned right through from top to bottom - no cobweb goes unnoticed or scum mark on the bath ignored.
Spring cleaning can be a health hazard if you take on to much at once or it can have its advantages where you can treat it as a form of exercise workout. Who knows you may get to enjoy it to an extent where it gets done on a regular basis, therefore you keep in shape and into the bargain a spotless home.
Spring cleaning is time consuming so the best thing you can do is to sit down and plan a time schedule for each job in advance. Allow yourself tea breaks in between. Spring cleaning can be very fulfilling and rewarding if not rushed. If there are certain parts of the house that need more attention than others then direct all your energies on those rooms. Get the heavy work out of the way so that you do not have to face these as you begin to tire from other tasks performed.
The only ammunition you need for this battle against dirt and grime is a checklist carefully mapped out. Allies, bleach - disinfectant - feather duster and a little elbow grease then you are well on the way to winning this war. Choose a day preferably when you are not likely to have visitors, if kiddies are on the scene call the grandparents to baby sit. Older children send to the cinema in another country if need be. Take one room at a time do not have two or three on the ago at the one time you may lose control.
Consider doing the laundry a couple a days before i.e. sheets curtains. If your list of your jobs on your checklist are followed through the way you intended then all should run smooth. Cutting corners can cause misery.
Throw open every window in the house to let some fresh air in. Have your favourite music playing in the background and sing along at the top of your voice to let the neighbours know you are feeling on top of the world as you dust away. As the day draws to an end run a hot bath, fill with bubbles, light a few candles and relax. Send out for a take away meal pizza or curry we don`t want to dirty the pots now do we.

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