Agoraphobia is one of the most common of all psychological disorders that is known in the present day and also represents the largest part of phobias the world over. Patients are most likely afraid to leave their homes or be around other people. The main thing is being in a comfort zone that is familiar to them, like their home, where an escape route is present in case of some perceived danger. Those who are forced to leave their comfort zone will display sometimes violent or even physical manifestations. Treatment is available and has proven very effective in helping the agoraphobic to overcome the fear.
Asperger’s Syndrome is also very common and is directly related to autism in many ways. There are also some related issues to other psychological disorders as well. The social interaction is the main element of this disorder. Most of the patients are extremely anti-social in the fact that they cannot process the amount of information they are getting from everyone around them. Most patients will have a tremendously difficult time functioning in any kind of situation that involves more than one person. Because they are able to speak and communicate, sufferers are considered to be high function autistic’s in most respects with all of the brain power moved to mundane tasks and the storing of information should it be needed later.
Tourette’s Syndrome is one of those diseases that was misdiagnosed for many decades before research was able to find the key. Patients will have a vocal and physical tic that will happen on a regular basis. These tics will be sudden and harsh movements and vocalizations. People with this disorder will often times use a word that is considered swearing in the tic without even realizing it. The outbursts will last for a moment or maybe longer depending on the severity of the case.
All in all there is a lot that can be done about psychological disorders as a whole. In many cases there is a medication that is available that will nearly eliminate the symptoms all together and allow the patient to live normally. There are the problems of side effects that come with these medications but they are not reported in every case.