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Quit Smoking Cold Turkey,A Free Method by Nguang Nguek Fluek

For the many people who have tried to stop smoking, many will be unsuccessful due to the method they chose to help them stop smoking. Most people who have stopped smoking completely have tried several times before success came for them. When you quit smoking cold turkey you are applying one of the oldest and well-known methods use to help people quit smoking.
To quit smoking cold turkey you need to be prepared. Meaning that most people think that you can just stop and that will power will be the motivation to not start again. For many people this is not feasible. The suggestion is to make sure that you are prepared for any type of method used to quit smoking. Most people also assume that when you quit smoking cold turkey, it means to quit smoking without using any smoking cessation aids such as nicotine gum or patches.
The cold turkey method to help you quit smoking is great if you use the aids listed above because those aids will help you if your body starts to go through withdrawal symptoms, which are often associated when you stop smoking. When you quit smoking cold turkey, you tap into probably the most popular albeit not the most successful method for quitting.
You can improve your chances for permanently quitting with the cold turkey method if you follow a few guidelines: such as understanding what the withdrawal symptoms are, and making sure that you treat them properly. Drinking lots of water will help to flush the body out quickly. Keeping your mouth busy and keeping a chart of what is occurring when you have a craving will help you to keep an eye on what is going on with your body.
Taking a walk or calling a friend when you feel like smoking will help you to be able to be successful while you are trying to quit smoking. Willpower is important and your success will depend on how badly you want to quit smoking and whether or not you believe that you can do it. Now keep in mind that not everyone will have feelings of withdrawal. You may have none or just one or two withdrawal symptoms and they will differ from person to person and from time to time.
Why not today? When you quit smoking cold turkey, you access virtually the only method that is free, and you can do it at any time. The good news is, if you are not successful trying the cold turkey method to quit smoking, then you will be happy to know that there is now more effective treatments available that can more than double your chances of quitting successfully.