The cards are being handed out by quarantine officials at Chicago, O'Hare International Airport; Los Angeles; old York City, JFK International Airport; Newark; & San Francisco. These airports are the only U.S. airports receiving direct flights from Hong Kong. No U.S. airports receive direct flights from Hanoi or the Guangdong Province. CDC officials expect to expand the distribution of cards to Anchorage, Alaska & the territory of Guam later today.
The cards also offer guidance designed to assist physicians in making a diagnosis by advising travelers to tell their physicians about recent travel to the affected regions, & whether they've been in contact with individuals who displayed symptoms of SARS.
The travel cards warn those returning from the three areas that they should monitor their health for at least three days. they're also advised to contact their physicians if they become ill with a fever accompanied by a cough or difficulty in breathing.
The CDC advises physicians & other clinicians to be alert for travelers who:
As of March 15, 2003, the CDC had received reports of SARS cases in Hong Kong & Guangdong Province, People's Republic of China; Hanoi, Vietnam & Canada, Singapore & Thailand. For that reason the World Health Organization has issued emergency guidance for travelers & airlines so that persons displaying symptoms of the illness can receive immediate health care & can be brought to the attention of public health authorities. These individuals are also advised against travelling while ill.
Have a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher;
one or more symptoms of respiratory illness including cough, shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, hypoxia (deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching tissues of the body), X-rays indicating the presence of pneumonia, or respiratory distress; &
one or more of the following:
History of travel to Hong Kong or Guangdong Province, People's Republic of China, or Hanoi, Vietnam within three days of symptom onset;
Close contact with persons with respiratory illness having the described travel history. Close contact includes having cared for, lived with, or had direct contact with respiratory secretions & body fluids of a person with SARS.
Additionally, airlines should:
Alert the destination airport of any passengers meeting the case definition criteria;
Arriving passengers who are symptomatic should be referred to health authorities for assessment & care;
The passengers & crew should provide all contact information for how passengers can be reached for the subsequent 14 days to airport health authorities.
Aircraft passengers & crew should be informed of the person's status as a suspect case of SARS;
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