When a mother sings for her infant, her brain releases oxytocin just as when she breastfeeds and this chemical strengthens the bond between the mother and the child. Other example includes when groups are bonded together with song, music or chants. Every college has now an “alma mater”, a song being sung during sports events, reunions and other ceremonies. Even when people use religious chants and hymns together they report that feel closer to each other and also resolved to practice the believes of their faith. This is why people use music for their weddings and funerals based on what has been meaningful in their lives.
There are cases where couples connect because they have same taste of music. The type of music one listens shows what music his family would have listened to and the kind of music they are naturally drawn to.
There is also a vibro-acoustic aspect of music whereby people stand together and sing a song or chant that is meaningful to them and it creates a vibration field in that moment which resembles a delicate web connected their energy fields. When you participate in a group song or chant or even cheer in a sporting event then you will always feel energized and changed at a new level because this is very powerful. This is the reason that players in a match are being cheered by the team and cheerleaders. In normal school life too, kids in kindergarten sing “good morning” that is a way to calm, center and focus energy.
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