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Working Wounded: Fatigue And The Working Mom

More and more women are entering the workforce and most of them are “moms.” Working Mothers are among the most vulnerable to stress and excessive fatigue created by trying to balance between work, family and social life. Stress and anxiety can cause working mom's to be tired and lacking in energy. There are a lot of things vying for her attention: co-workers, the boss, the kids, the husband, the best friend, dealing with their in-laws, her church activities, and even her bible study group friends. It's enough to make a mom feel so drowsy, lethargic or listlessness.
More than half of new moms in the U.S are working outside the home out of necessity. Another segment of the working mothers are those who are returning to work six to 12 weeks after giving birth. According to medical studies, women who come back to work after child birth may still exhibit symptoms of postpartum depression including muscle fatigue, discomfort, decreased sexual activity, and lower back pain.
1. Lack of sleep- either overworked or you are not really sleeping well from too much worrying
2. Inactivity-You're out of shape and its not true when you exercise too much. Engaging in moderate physical activity for half-hour most days of th week may give good moods, decrease stress, and gets you energized.
3. Not eating properly-not getting the right essential foods or drinking enough fluids it needs. Also try to limit your caffeine intake us this will only backfires, it will make it harder for you to rest and fall asleep.
4. Stress and anxiety-Too may task so little time. This will keep you on the edge and you won't be so relax.
5. Certain medications- like antihistamines and beta blockers, some pain relievers and other stimulants that can keep you up at night.
l Know how to delegate task
l Organize everything your schedule, your things, your activities
l Make sure you truly love your job, avoid workplace stress or any job related aggravation.
l Tame your inbox, get rid of unwanted mail
l Make a To -do-list
l Make used of your calendar, jot down the important events and stick to it
l Put labels to your things when you sort them out, filed or put into filing cabinets
l Stay active- a few minutes walking , or cycling More and more women are entering the workforce and most of them are “moms.” Working Mothers are among the most vulnerable to stress and excessive fatigue created by trying to balance between work, family and social life. Stress and anxiety can cause working mom's to be tired and lacking in energy. There are a lot of things vying for her attention: co-workers, the boss, the kids, the husband, the best friend, dealing with their in-laws, her church activities, and even her bible study group friends. It's enough to make a mom feel so drowsy, lethargic or listlessness.
More than half of new moms in the U.S are working outside the home out of necessity. Another segment of the working mothers are those who are returning to work six to 12 weeks after giving birth. According to medical studies, women who come back to work after child birth may still exhibit symptoms of postpartum depression including muscle fatigue, discomfort, decreased sexual activity, and lower back pain.
1. Lack of sleep- either overworked or you are not really sleeping well from too much worrying
2. Inactivity-You're out of shape and its not true when you exercise too much. Engaging in moderate physical activity for half-hour most days of th week may give good moods, decrease stress, and gets you energized.
3. Not eating properly-not getting the right essential foods or drinking enough fluids it needs. Also try to limit your caffeine intake us this will only backfires, it will make it harder for you to rest and fall asleep.
4. Stress and anxiety-Too may task so little time. This will keep you on the edge and you won't be so relax.
5. Certain medications- like antihistamines and beta blockers, some pain relievers and other stimulants that can keep you up at night.
l Know how to delegate task
l Organize everything your schedule, your things, your activities
l Make sure you truly love your job, avoid workplace stress or any job related aggravation.
l Tame your inbox, get rid of unwanted mail
l Make a To -do-list
l Make used of your calendar, jot down the important events and stick to it
l Put labels to your things when you sort them out, filed or put into filing cabinets
l Stay active- a few minutes walking , or cycling will give you more stamina. But be moderate when you do some physical activities.
l Cultivate good sleeping habits-avoid reading, eating while watching in front of t.v. while in bed. Keep your bedding clean and comfortable, keep your room in a dark and quiet atmosphere. If possibles take naps every now and then.
If you are still feeling weary often and for a prolonged time. It is best to consult a qualified doctor so you can get proper diagnosis. Your fatigue could have medical causes such as:
l Depression- usually associated also for excessive fatigue and accompanied by some symptoms liked loss of appetite, sadness, difficulty sleeping or oversleeping among others.
l Cancer- A thorough checkup can tell if your fatigue can be a symptom of cancer.
l Sleep apnea- loud snoring is a sign of this disorder. This is a common source of fatigue because it interferes with your sleep.
l Chronic Fatigue syndrome-a disorder characterized by extreme fatigue even if there is bed rest.
l Anemia-blood disorder it affects your blood's ability to transport oxygen.
l Thyroid problems- a condition in which your thyroid gland fails to release enough thyroid hormone.
As a working mom, you must make some lifestyle changes or get the necessary treatment for your fatigue.

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