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Golden Palace Streaks

Sex sells. And humor sells. Which is why Golden Palace has taken it upon itself to raise “streaking” – the unexpected (and therefore hilarious) interruption of public events by a naked person racing across the field or stage or arena – to a higher art form…oops, scratch that. What we meant to say is, “a more profitable advertising form.” And that they have done.
If anyone is Golden Palace’s “Golden Child” of streaking, it’s famed British streaker Mark Roberts. Some call him the “Super Bowl Streaker” for when he disguised himself in a Velcro, tear-away referee’s uniform before successfully streaking across Houston’s Reliant Stadium during Super Bowl XXXVIII in 2004, though his first streaking appearance came during a 1993 Rugby match in Hong Kong.
Super Bowl 38 was Roberts’ first North American streak and it earned him appearances afterwards on both Leno and Letterman. It was, incidentally, New England Patriots linebacker Matt Chatham that ultimately tackled Golden Palace’s Golden Boy and got the game back on.
Since then, Roberts has streaked at over 380 public sporting events, all with the Golden Palace URL tattooed in Henna across his back. He’s the world’s only known Professional Streaker and has been listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the “the world’s most prolific streaker”.
In mock defense of his nickname, the Golden Boy streaked the Real Madrid Open on September 1, 2003, where another famed “Golden Boy”, David Beckham, was playing. Roberts had the Golden Palace stamped across his back and the words, “I’m The Real Goldenballs” scrawled across his chest as well as two actual (and smartly placed) golden balls.
Roberts has also streaked the World Swimming Championships, which included, of course, a leap into the pool, followed by a succession of faux-synchronized swimming moves. In July of 2003 he ran with the bulls in Pamplona, as naked as the bulls themselves, only the bulls didn’t have “Golden Palace” tattooed across their backs and chests. Roberts acted like a real horse (though some would call it something else) at Ladies Day at the Royal Ascot, starting his striptease in a black batwing dress and ending it galloping alongside the horses, smacking his rump like a good jockey should.
Tennis balls affixed to his own, Roberts has also streaked the French Open Tennis and Wimbledon. Most recently, on the 5th day of the Ashes Test Match, a Cricket Match at Brit Oval in Kennington, UK, Roberts wore a tutu and a thong as he ripped across the pitch. He performed a few silly ballet moves before being toppled by security.
Roberts isn’t the only one baring it all in the name of good, clean, wholesome online gambling. Other Golden Palace acolytes include:
Brittney Skye, who wore Golden Palace’s URL on her back as she ran up topless to golfer Jim Furyk with a couple of roses in hand at 2003’s US Open in Illinois.
Laura Gosling, a 28-year old who waited until the presentation of the Claret Jug, the championship trophy, to British Open winner Ben Curtis, before racing over to give him a congratulatory kiss wearing nothing above the waist but the Golden Palace logo and pasties.
Ron Simon, who bared the Golden Palace tattoo on his chest and back as he interrupted the 2003 British Women’s Open wearing only boxer shorts.

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