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Relief of Knee Pain

Our knees share the burden of carrying the body’s weight, enabling us natural movement. Stiff, hurt knees are unable to perform this basic task, this results with physical and mental consequence. More about that and some useful ideas forms this article.
The joints were designed to supply maximum flexibility, stability, support, and defense to the body. These roles are extremely important in terms of natural painless movement.
The knee joints cartilage is made of 85% water, this slightly drops down as we age, and is one of the only tissues in the body which has no blood support.
Actually, two long bones meet at the knee, the Femur from above and the Tibia from underneath. They are structurally corresponding but need two cartilages on the sides to fully coordinate between them. Other important elements, in supporting the knee, are the muscles, and the ligaments.
Knee pain should not be related only to old, sick people. Knee pains have many reasons resulting from two main aspects: mechanical and general diseases, which are common to all ages.
• Posture – The body weight is designed to go through a certain point at the knee. Once changing it the new area is not suitable for carrying all the weight and this could lead to erosion of the knee and pains. Too curved or too flat foot could lead to wrong posture and pains as well.
• Over Weight – Over weight causes erosion and pains in most of the body’s joints.
• Sports Injuries – Sports like ski, ball games, and judo are the cause of many knee injuries as a result of a sudden twist or direct hit.
• Inflammation of the Joints – Chronic state of inflammation which affects the body and the knee.
• Degeneration of the Cartilage of the Joints – Caused by erosion of the cartilage which could end in losing most of the cartilage. It is common for people over 70 years old, for as we age the percentage of water drops and leads to this phenomenon.
• Others - Gout, Diabetes mellitus, and unbalanced releasing of the growth hormone.
There are many treatments for the injuries and pains we have discussed, from physical rehabilitation of the knee to a traumatic injury which requires emergency surgery. Pains which result from chronic state of inflammation are usually treated with anti-inflammatory medicines. Some will even need joints replacement.
An advanced approach related to several techniques and curing attitudes claims that first thing to be done is correct the structural irregulars, in the joints and muscles which cause pains. Then, work on the supported systems for long terms results. Mainly, strengthen of the supported muscles and a better blood supply to the hurt tissue.