Generally speaking, if you want to buy a ps3 you are going to have to put in a lot of time. And even if you do this you may not end up getting what you are ultimately after. Your best bet may be to get on a list that reserves a ps3 for you when a store finally takes shipment. In order to do this you will not only have to find a list to put your name on, but you will also have to put down a deposit. And the bad part is in many cases this does not even mean that you will receive your unit in the first shipment.
Another option that you may want to consider is waiting for the ps3’s to arrive so that you can be first (or close to the front) in line. That’s right; believe it or not there will be plenty of people who will be waiting in line nice and early so that they can be ensured of getting a ps3 from the first shipment. Unfortunately, this can be tough to do if you have other responsibilities such as having to go to school or work a full time job.
Finally, your last option to buy a ps3 may be to check the second hand market. You can do this by searching for ps3’s at online auction sites or in your local newspaper. There are many people all over the world who will be buying these units in bulk and then selling them to consumers at a marked up price. Even though this is not fair to the many people who want to buy from the store at the regular price, it is simply the way that the industry works. If you absolutely must have your ps3 right away, sometimes the only option that you have is to pay extra on the secondary market.
You can buy a ps3 if you are willing to spend the money and put the time into finding one. But if you think that this is going to be an easy task you are sadly mistaken. You may have to stand in line for hours on end, or give in and pay a few hundred dollars extra online.
As you can imagine, it is going to be a crazy scene during the couple of months after the ps3 is released to the public.