The emu oil is the greatest emollient in the world. It penetrates the skin better than mink or any other natural oil, and lacks long chain fatty acids which is conducive to a long shelf-life.
Emu Oil is considered a complete source of essential fatty acids. Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) are fats that humans cannot manufacture or synthesize. We must obtain them from our diet. Like vitamins and minerals they are essential to the body's functions. Incredibly, this amazing oil contains omega 3,6,9 essential fatty acids and is a powerful skin moisturizer and possesses strong anti-inflammatory properties.
Emu Oil for Anti Wrinkle.
Billions of Microscopic Three-Dimensional Nanoprisms! Here's "so what." Almost nobody knows this... but... the human eye cannot see a wrinkle. What the eye sees is actually the shadow made by the wrinkle. And, since all those billions of microscopic nanoprisms refract light.
This effect will last until you wash your face and the invisible silicon dioxide is removed. And get this: Remember how I told you the main ingredient in this cosmetic cream is made from emu oil? Well, it turns out emu oil is probably the best cosmetic ingredient in the world. That's because its molecules are much smaller than the molecules in human skin.
Penetrate Down Through Seven Layers of Human Skin!