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Five Reasons Your Kids Should Learn A Magic Trick This Summer!

Learning to do magic tricks can be helpful to your kids now and later in life. Magic tricks are a great hobby for your kids and here are five reasons that they should learn magic tricks this summer!
1. Boosts Confidence
You can almost see your kid beam with pride when they learn a magic trick. When anyone (kids and adults) learn something new the feel good about themselves. This is especially true when you learn something new like a magic trick that can be shown to other will make your kids self-esteem go through the roof!
Studies have shown that kids with high self esteem are less likely to be bullied...or to bully other kids!
2. Public Speaking
Magic tricks have a "script" that you say everytime you do the trick. Even simple kids tricks have a script, and when you kids learn to memorized the words to say while they do a magic trick they are working on thier public speaking! When a kid is comfortable speaking in front of groups at a young age they will have an advantage when they get older and have to give reports in school.
There's a magician from Colorado named Zeezo, and he told me that he had a stutter as a kid. But by learning magic tricks, he was able to overcome his stutter!
3. Improves Motor Skills
This is the obvious reason why your kid should learn to do magic tricks. Every magic trick your kid does will use thier hands, and the more you use your hands the more dexterity they will have!
4. Promotes Reading
One of the first ways most kids learn magic tricks is from magic books, so your kids will have to read at some point to learn to do thier magic tricks. Kids are more willing to read when it's about something magic tricks!
5. FREE/ Inexpensive
Magic isn't an expensive hobby to get your kids into. You can go to your local library and check out a book about magic tricks for kids for FREE! Another way to get your kids started learning magic tricks is with a magic kit for kids. You can get a good magic kit for around $20 and that magic kit can last your kids all summer!
6. Family Time
Learning magic tricks is a fun way to spend a quality time around the table with your kid. You can help them read the book or instructions, or provide a critical (but constructive) eye while they practice. There are also many tricks that need two people to do, and you and your kid could do these tricks as a team!
About the Author:
Louie Foxx is a professional children's magician based out of Seattle. Louie makes the amazing kids magic kitwhich offers magic kits and magic tricks for kids ages 6-12
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