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How To Make Sure Grubs Don't Destroy Your Lawn

What are grubs?
White grubs are the larval stage of beetles and are the most widespread turf grass pests in the United States. In fact, there are a number of different types of grubs that can damage your lawn. A single grub is usually less than 1 inch in length and usually curled into a C-shape when exposed. However, just 10 grubs in a square foot of grass can permanently damage a healthy lawn because grubs feed on grass roots. In fact, there may be several types of grubs within a single patch of infested grass.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Americans spend $156 million each year replacing the lawns that grubs destroy. And if you add up the total loss grubs cause throughout their lifecycle, the USDA estimates a staggering $460 million a year in damage.
Have grubs invaded your lawn? Here are some ways to tell if you have grubs in your lawn:
* There are irregular brown patches in your lawn that don't go away with watering.
* You can easily pull up infested sections of your lawn like a rug.
* There are a large number of birds in your yard. Birds eat grubs.
* Evidence of moles, skunks, or raccoons, which feed on grubs, is apparent.
You can fight back. Bayer Advanced Lawn Season-Long Grub Control, containing the proprietary active ingredient Merit, is proven to kill more grubs - guaranteed. It works effectively against all the common grub types that are found in lawns. Simply apply and water in to form a protective zone in the soil against grubs all season long with a single application.
But if your lawn is already under attack by an active grub infestation, Bayer Advanced Lawn 24-Hour Grub Control provides quick relief. It contains the proprietary active ingredient Dylox, which works faster than any other grub killer on the market. In fact, grubs usually stop feeding and start to die within 24 hours. It also kills sod webworms, mole crickets and cutworms.

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