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The Splendid Fuchsias: Where To Place Fuchsia Plants And How To Care for The Fuchsia Flower

If you want enchanting flowering gardens for shade, rely on the fuchsia plant. Whether you plant fuchsia flowers in individual pots, window boxes, or hanging baskets, fuchsia plants are a gorgeous flowering species noted for their grace and splendor. There are hundreds of varieties of fuchsia flowers, single and double, in rose, purple, and white shades, and in both upright and hanging plants. Fuchsia plants are particularly popular in California, where the summers are cool and the winters sufficiently moderate; but fuchsias make handsome container gardens in other climates too.
Except for the hanging types, the fuchsia flower is by nature an upright shrubby grower, fine as specimen plants for container gardens. Under proper conditions, some attain considerable size. The dark purple-and-red Reiter's Giant grows to five feet or more, and the single red Mephisto is even taller. Alice Hoffman, a semi-double white and pink, is a dwarf, to two feet, as is the three-foot Camellia, a double white and red.
Tree, or standard, fuchsias are always very popular. These are simply the usual fuchsias trained to tree form. With patience, you can develop your own, starting with a four- to five-inch cutting kept tied to a strong four- to five-foot stake. At the desired height of two, three, or four feet, the single stalk can be pinched back and allowed to branch. In the meantime, do not remove all leaves from the stem, because they are needed to manufacture food for your fuchsia plant.
Good varieties to train to tree form include the purple-and-red Muriel, the red-and-white Storm King, the double lavender-and-red Gypsy Queen, and the all-white Flying Cloud.
Many gardeners believe that the best way to appreciate the fuchsias flower is to plant fuchsias in hanging baskets, because their exquisite blooms are seen at or above eye level. They are most decorative for patios, entrances, and on walls and tree trunks. They can also be suspended in redwood slat boxes and in glazed or plastic containers. In moss-lined wire baskets, fuchsia flowers require more water because the roots dry out more quickly.
For basket planting, you will like the double magenta-and-carmine Anna, the single red-and-white Claret Cup, and also the semi-double purple-and-red Muriel, mentioned for tree-training. Among the most brilliant varieties of fuchsia flowers are the double, bright red Marinka; the nearly orange Aurora Superba; the carmine-rose and orange-red San Francisco; and the rose-purple-and-pink Amapola. It is much more aesthetically pleasing to plant just one variety of fuchsia flowers per container.
In planters or raised beds of container gardens, fuchsia plants can be trained into interesting espalier forms against a wall or fence where the space may be too narrow for other plants. Though not difficult, the espalier plant requires time and patience. First make a trellis of wood or wire. Five to seven tiers are customary. Then train your plant as it grows, pinching growth frequently to induce branching and to avoid bare stems. Varieties to espalier include the red-and-scarlet Falling Stars, the blue-and-rose Coquette, and the red-and-white Dr. John Gallwey.
Fuchsia plants can also be trained into pyramids in the manner of formal English ivy plants. Since the young fuchsia shoots tend to break easily, it takes patience and a steady hand to tie them properly to the form.
These tender woody plants do best under cool, humid conditions. They are especially successful in coastal areas, where fog and humidity prevail, though some fuchsia varieties, as the single all-red Mephisto and the red-and-white Mme. Cornelissen, will thrive in hot, dry inland regions. Fuchsia flowers are great favorites because they bloom in shade, not the heavy shade of low-branching trees, but high, open shade and that found on the north side of a building. In dense shade, fuchsia plants get leggy and flower sparingly. In hot, direct sunshine, however, they dry out and the leaves burn. Windy locations should be avoided because of the delicate fuchsia flowers and brittle branches.
Moisture is essential but good drainage is important also. Fuchsias announce dryness by wilting. In container gardens, they usually need water every day and sometimes more often. In the bottom of the container provide sufficient rough material—broken flower pots, pebbles, or cinders—to insure free passage of water. Do not allow pots to stand in water and in hot weather sprinkle the foliage to remove dust and increase humidity.
Fuchsia plants require an acid soil, a mixture rich in organic matter. A good combination consists of one part good garden loam, one part leaf mold or peat moss, and either one part old manure or a small amount in dehydrated form if you want to mix it yourself.
Containers should be large enough to allow for full development of plants during the summer growing season. A small fuchsia plant needs a six-inch pot; if two or three are grown together, use a ten- or twelve-inch pot. Starting with young plants is preferable, although large specimens are satisfactory if they are healthy and vigorous. When fuchsias are wintered in containers and are not treated as annuals, you can enrich the growing medium the first year by scooping a few inches of soil from the top and replacing it with a fresh mixture. The next year, take the fuchsia plants out of containers in early spring, cut back the tops and some of the roots and repot in fresh soil in the same container. Drastically cutting back branches in the spring, before growth starts, will make fuchsia plants branch more abundantly.
When you want to increase your collection of fuchsia plants, take three-inch cuttings from the tender spring growth, dip the ends in a hormone powder and insert the lower inch of each stem in a mixture of half leaf mold and half sand. Protect the cuttings from sun and either spray them lightly from time to time or cover with polyethylene plastic to prevent their drying out.
When roots have formed, transfer the fuchsia plants to small pots in a mixture of light loam and leaf mold. Cuttings can also be taken in late summer or early fall for small plants that are easier to winter.
Voracious in their needs, fuchsia plants require regular feeding through the growing season. Give liquid fertilizer once a month, following directions on the package. Fish emulsion, applied monthly, will give especially good results. Fish emulsion can be purchased as a “deodorized” product which is highly recommended.
During the winter, store your fuchsia plants at 45 to 50 degrees to keep them dormant. Water sparingly, just enough to prevent wood from shriveling. Outdoors, hardy fuchsias will survive to 25 degrees, but where hardiness is questionable; it is safer to winter plants in a greenhouse, cool room, shed, or in a cold frame. During this period, cover the roots with a layer of peat moss.
Now that you know how to plant and care for fuchsias, plant a hanging basket or a container garden and delight in the beauty of fuchsia plants either in your home or yard.
Happy Gardening!
Copyright © 2006 Mary Hanna All Rights Reserved.
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