I get a high when I receive any message from someone on these free dating sites. Believe me, email is like a crack, I mean I just can’t help checking it. This morning I got an email from a girl I’ve been chatting with on this free dating site for about four months now. She wished me a happy birthday and the message was in multiple colors, with an attached picture of cake. It was awesome and it truly made my day.
Well, my friend Steve, a computer engineer, has been free dating for a over a year now. Now, Steve is a funny guy, he couldn’t get a date with a monkey, but somehow, he found a girl, well, his current girlfriend actually, while free dating, and apparently they are happy as ever together.
So, on the whole my free dating experience has been amazing…Hey I guess my boss is coming around the corner so it’s time to pretend like I’m creating spreadsheets.