Earning a degree online can save a person time in many ways. Not having to commute to classes and then sit in a classroom can save up to ten hours a week. An online LPN to RN degree program allows a person to keep their current job which may be necessary. If a person does not have to work, then they will have extra time for an internship or volunteer work at a hospital to see first-hand how nurses care for others in need. Working online can be done when a person feels comfortable. This may be in the morning, or late at night.
Online LPN to RN degree classes are traditional in that a person must complete all course work in order to receive their degree. Instructors are available along the way to answer questions and offer advice. They can be reached by phone or by email. Devising a study plan is the best way to maintain a steady schedule. People who are able to manage their time without too much supervision will do well in an online program. Those who work and have families are used to multi-tasking. They should be able to fit in an online program and further their nursing career by earning a degree and getting the position they desire.