For example, you can find all kinds of backgrounds on the web that are free and that will help you pimp Myspace. If you like photos, butterflies, singers, bands, rainbows, colors, or anything else you can find a free background for your Myspace account. This is really cool because it decorates your page, reflects something about you, and helps you design your space for free. How cool is that?
Another fun thing you might want to include in your Myspace is a new layout. Every account has the same default layout and while that is ok for everyone else, you want your site to stand out and look different from the rest. Fortunately, you can find different layouts that will help you rearrange your Myspace and make it just like you want. This might include enlarging a picture, switching up the design, or pretty much anything you want. You can layout your space anyway you want and this is a great way to pimp Myspace.
A great way to pimp Myspace is to add your favorite song to your site. That will allow anyone opening up your website to hear your favorite song. It’s fun, cool, and let’s everyone know what kind of music you are currently listening to. You may even want to use glitter text, photo cursers, or add a counter onto your page that lets you see who has been viewing you! Just get creative and have fun and you can make your space as original as you want!