Before you start to panic, spend some time considering what is essential to your business event. Gather ideas from colleagues, jot down things as they come to mind and research who’ll be attending and any special requirements they may have. Planning is the key to organising any conference, seminar or meeting and, if done right, will make sure it’s a great success.
Think about some of the following questions: How many will be attending your event, how long will it last – will you need overnight accommodation or just day facilities? What about leisure facilities, somewhere to relax at the end of the day? How about food, will you need lunch, mid-morning refreshments or perhaps a dinner in the evening?
Once you’ve made the big decisions you’re ready to start your search for that perfect venue. After spending all that time planning, you’re sure to want somewhere out of the ordinary, and definitely not the standard dull meeting room with an equally uninspiring view of one of the UK’s busy motorways.
There are some outstanding meeting venues in Norfolk that won’t blow your budget, offer far more than your standard, hotel venue and with experienced conference co-ordinators on hand to answer your questions. Sounds like a big promise, but you’ll soon be impressing colleagues and new business associates with your choice of a truly refreshing venue.
Situated just south of the medieval city of Norwich, with excellent road links, is Barnham Broom Hotel and Golf where you will find all this and more. A range of bright, airy meeting rooms can be arranged for events small and large, plus all the usual equipment will be at your fingertips such as presentation software to ensure your messages are delivered professionally along with free Wifi internet access.
Whether you need a quiet room for a small meeting with colleagues to brainstorm and discuss important, even confidential issues or a large, grand room where 150 people will gather to absorb a presentation then head to a first-class lunch, Barnham Broom can cater for all. With an excellent attention to detail and experienced staff to help ease you through the day, they will ensure everything is as you planned.
Comfortable bedrooms and an award-winning restaurant, make Barnham Broom a great choice for businesses that need overnight packages with fantastic rates available. And on top of this the Norfolk hotel has fabulous leisure facilities, which include a health and fitness centre with swimming pool and gym along with two championship golf courses. Whatever activity you choose, the end of the day will refresh the mind. A round of golf is ideal allowing you to absorb the countryside setting as you unwind, get to know fellow delegates and test your golf technique on the challenging course!
So, when you’re asked to find a venue for your next meeting or conference, think of the perfect combination of business and leisure at Barnham Broom Hotel in Norfolk.
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