Blogging is, in itself, a pretty fun way to get your information online, regularly and efficiently. It is also convenient in the sense that even beginners can jump into the fray without much training. You only have to look at the popularity of dozens of social networking sites such as MySpace and Friendster to realize that just about any Tom, Dick, and Jane can blog.
Good blogging services and good blogging tools facilitate this ease of use. If there were no content management tool for bloggers to use then blogging would be all but dead. The strength of blogging lies in the fact that it is easy to set up and use. Plus, it organizes itself and is easy to customize. If there were no blogging tools to facilitate this, then blogging would truly be a chore.
Thankfully, there are literally hundreds of blogging software packages and tools –both proprietary and open source. These tools all work on different levels and address different needs. While there isn’t much space to write about all the available tools for blogging, here is a listing of some of the handier blogging tools around.
1. Autoblogger Pro. If you are trying to saturate your site with rich keywords from some of your favorite blog sites and incorporate these feeds into your blog, then Autoblogger Pro is your tool. Autoblogger Pro uses blog text culled from RSS/Atom feed sites you so specify. This content is then made readily available on your site or on your web log. This is a great tool to uses if you are trying to get your blog’s search engine ranking higher. It also helps provide your blog with more information.
2. B2evolution. B2evolution is a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) compatible software package that helps you host your own blog server. It supports multi-lingual and multi-blog environments that are easy to install, yet are rich and fully featured to boot. The great thing about this software is that it is free and feature rich. It is also easy to modify and extend to increase functionality to the hilt. It also installs easily and can be good to go in a few minutes.
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