What can we call Impotence?
Not only the complete lack of sexual reactions but also the difficulties on achieving and maintaining erection.
What should we know about Viagra?
Viagra is a medicine, so it can be used only with caution. There’s a long list of medications that are dangerous to be taken with Viagra, because of this if you’re on Viagra and you need to take any other drugs, doctor must be consulted first.
How is acting?
The Viagra increases the efficiency of hormones produced by sexual desire, which will cause better blood supply in penis, relaxing smooth muscle.
So if there’s no desire, Viagra is useless.
It is true that 16 people died because of Viagra?
According to rumors, yes, but they probably didn’t pay attention to the contra-indications (interaction with nitrate medications) or they overdosed viagra. Any medication can cause death if overdosed. It cannot be taken more than one viagra pill daily.
If I have normal erection but I want it to be better and more frequently can I take Viagra?
No. In this case viagra is strictly prohibited. It can overload your organism. If something works well why the risk to ruin it?
Is it true that Bob Dale, USA senator, took part in Viagra experiments?
Yes. Bob Dale has prostate-cancer and to cure it, he had to take female hormones, which caused him erection problems. He was helped by viagra. Of course he respected the dosage.
Are men affected psychically if they can make love only with a pill trough a lifetime?
The answer is in the question! Most of therapists say that Viagra can be useful temporarily but the long-term usage isn’t indicated. It damages the self-confidence if somebody can make love only with a medication, the person can feel that he is less valuable as a man than others.
But it’s better to have a pill than nothing. The self-confidence is even more damaged if somebody can’t make love at all, so it happens often that this blue pill has positive effects on men’s morale too.
Have the Viagra side effects?
Yes. Sometimes it can cause headache, low blood pressure, nausea and even color diffusion. There were cases when the patient’s perception of blue and green colors was switched by the viagra.
So Viagra can be used as a narcotic too?
Only sometimes because regularly Viagra doesn’t acts in this way. Viagra is a medication not a dope and it’s over dosage is very dangerous. Anyway it’s better to avoid any kind of narcotics.
How many men are struggling with this problem?
According to estimative numbers in USA, Europe and Japan are 50 million men suffering in impotence.
Apparently this is another modern-age disease. Sexual-therapists are saying that the “spread” of impotence is caused by the subsistence, stress, sex without emotion and alcoholism.
There is a sexual stimulant for women?
The Pfizer Company is already working on such a medicine as the Viagra, but for women. Until then women can use herbal libido enhancers, which are probably less effective, but certainly healthier.
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