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Easy Swimming Pool Maintenance

Your immaculate pools are tempting, but dingy ones are but repulsing. Your impeccable pools appear capturing giving “come-hither” looks to your visitors, but your filthy pools are rather objectionable.
Your excellent pools manifest your posh tastes of sumptuous living, but your neglected pools are just sickening. Your pools are the places that do not at all deserve your unconcern rather they deserved your ultra care and attention.

Your poorly maintained pools become lousy lairs of diseases and germs. They no longer remain safe for swimming and can cause a number of infections. However, your extreme care and proper swimming pool maintenance can really help you keep your pools first-class.
Swimming pool maintenance is rather essential & important to keep your pool in top form, but there’s nothing to dread about the work, it’s not at all cumbersome, rather it’s pretty easy. Here are a few easy steps that will help making your pool maintenance tasks rather easy.
Water Testing - This is the first and most important step. It’s not anything like chemical lab test. It’s very easy test about checking the chemistry of your pool waters. You should be regular in checking the pH level and alkalinity of water. The exact pH quantity should be ranging between 7.2 - 7.6. Total alkalinity is perfect at about 180 ppm, but below 100ppm and above 400ppm can be trouble.
Sanitizing - It’s time to add sanitizers, when water is appropriately balanced. The idea is to maintain least of 1.5 to 3ppm of chlorine on a regular basis. This level is high enough to hold back the bacterial and algae growth, which are the chief scoundrels in ugly pool waters. Tablets and sticks are the most popular form for chlorine. You just insert them to the skimmer cases or mechanical feeders. Proper water flow is needed to liquefy tablets or sticks.
Shocking - Besides regular chemical process (chlorination), weekly shocking or advancing the chlorine levels up to 5ppm is a great way to confirm contaminants don’t develop and cause troubles. It’s also a fine idea to shock after the pools have had heavy use as this facilitates refill chlorine so that troubles don’t get started.
Measuring Calcium Hardness - It is about measuring calcium in your pools. If water is too hard, it can increase pH levels and cause scale to form. In case, you put in sodium hexametaphosphate. On the other hand, if the water is too soft, it can cause tile grout to liquefy or the vinyl liner to break. Add calcium chloride dihydrate in this situation.
Algae Control – Algae never appears in your well-maintained and sanitized pools. You should use algaecides to prevent keep algae away from your pools. Simply skimming your pools twice a week keeps the surface free from debris and bugs.
Running Your Pool Equipment Daily - Your swimming pools have a circulation pumps that make your pool waters move through your pool filters every day. This helps to remove unwanted pollutants and disinfectants from your pools. Your pool waters should be filtered for around four to six hours per day.
Maintaining Your Pool Equipment – You should take nice care of all your pool equipments including filters, grids, saltwater chlorinators, pool calculators, pumps, cartridges, motors, heaters, timers, freeze guards, lights, valves, pool covers etc. You should clean your salt chlorinator cell electrodes on a regular basis to maximize chorine production and should clean leaf baskets regularly. To guarantee maximum water turnover rate, you should backwash your filters.
You should keep checking pool waters on every other day. You can make use of DPD kits or test strips to check chlorine, pH and total alkalinity levels. Add chemicals if required. You should give shock treatments and add algaecides once a week.

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