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Tips For Choosing The Perfect Tanning Salon

Tanning can be such a chore – having to wait until certain periods of the day or the right time of year. It’s a hassle do you decide that it is in your best interest to go to a tanning salon but you don’t know what to look for and everyone seems to have their own opinion. All you really know is that you don’t want a bad spray on tan. The following are things you should know or find our or ask the establishments before you go and tan there.
Employee Certification
You read that right. In order to be licensed to tan you have to be accredited and take courses. There are currently four programs that someone can train under. If you find a tanning spa where the employees are either not certified or certified through someone other than these four then do not choose them. They are:
The National Tanning Training Institute
International Smart Tan Network
Suntanning Association for Education
International Suntanning Education Institute
Each of these four, well established training centers offers certification to salon owners.
Continuing Education
New techniques and equipment are always being developed. What sort of ongoing training does the salon offer its employees, if any? It is important to keep up to date on the trends in the industry as well as the tools associated with it.
Warnings on Photosensitive Reactions
Your salon should be mindful of your health and have, by law, the need to have a list of medications, medical conditions and agents available that may lead a client into a photosensitive reaction that could occur when you expose your skin to the ultra violet rays. Your salon must discuss these issues with you.
Liability Insurance
Ask your salon if they have liability insurance. If they don’t then you should turn tail and run. Liability insurance protects you against any issues that may arise from the use of tanning in the salon otherwise if you get damaged you have no recourse.
Skin Type Determination
There are systems in place that can tell you what kind of type your skin is and this important to proper tanning as settings differ between light and dark tones, oily or dry skin etc. If they cannot tell your skin type they cannot guarantee a safe tanning experience.
Informed Consent
A salon that provides you with a list of things that could go wrong is a responsible salon. Though proven to be relatively safe there are still risks involved with tanning. The salon should have a form pointing them all out that you sign just in case something happens. This serves to inform you, the client, and protect the salon.
Promoting Proper Skin Care
Your skin is the base for a good tan. If your skin is one way or the other you can produce a bad tan. Your salon of choice should offer you information on what skin creams and lotions will be best for your skin type and to promote good tanning.
Over Exposure Program
A salon that is set up properly can design a tanning schedule based around your skin type. This ensures you that you will not over tan and will have a safer and more enjoyable experience as well as not wasting money.
Protective Eyewear
Is the salon you considering have protective eyewear available or demand that you use it? The regulations of tanning salons adhere to a strict policy of having people wear protective eyewear. Just say no to any tanning salon or spa that does not seem to care about your general well being.
There are a great number of people coming and going and laying in the same tanning beds. Observe the business and take note of everything you see. Is there garbage on the floor? Are there sterilization chemicals to clean off tanning beds?
After the previous 10 questions have been asked should you worry about the price because putting a price tag on your health and beauty is silly.