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Migraine Headache Treatment

Migraine headaches are described as being of a recurrent nature. They are characterized by certain symptoms that precede the actual onset of the headache. These are called prodromal symptoms and may include one or several typical symptoms in each patient. The prodromal symptoms include spots before the eyes, visual field defects, flashes of light, unusual sounds, irritability, depression, restlessness, and anorexia, to name a few. The symptoms may disappear when the headache begins or may merge with it. The symptoms usually follow the same pattern time after time for each patient, and become good indicators that a headache is on the way. Most of the time the headaches will be on the same side, but this is not an absolute rule. The patient may have attacks on a daily basis or they may occur once every few months.
Without treatment, the attacks may last for hours or days. It is not uncommon for the patient to experience nausea and vomiting and an aversion to light. Many people who suffer from migraines will tell you the only way to stop them is to remain in a dark room with a wet wash cloth over their eyes.
The cause of migraine headaches is unknown. Because of the various prodromal symptoms, most medical authorities believe that they are caused by a functional disturbance in the veins of the scalp and within the cranium. Many alternative health care practitioners believe that all diseases begin with a disturbance of the energy fields that surround the body. Because the body uses electrochemical impulses to transmit its messages throughout the body, it generates a magnetic field. In terms of what we normally experience with magnetism, the magnetic field of the body is weak. It is considered to be “biomagnetism,” and until recently it was not detected in scientific research. However, more modern instrumentation has allowed researchers to measure the weak electric fields generated in living systems.
The approach in energy healing is to consider the body of a living organism to be one complete whole. Unlike the “systems” approach where each system is studied as an independent unit (circulatory system, digestive system, respiratory system, etc.) the holistic approach is to consider the complete organism. When any part of the organism is not functioning properly, it affects the entire organism. For certain individuals, this results in a disturbance that results in the symptoms of a migraine headache. The prodromal symptoms are the body's early warning system. If the warnings are not headed, the cry for help becomes louder and louder until they become incapacitating. Balancing the energy on a routine basis has the potential to keep these symptoms from ever occurring. In my practice I found that many patients experienced fewer headaches, less severe headaches, and in some cases the headaches were eliminated altogether. Below are a few of the testimonials from some of the patients who received help with managing their migraine headaches. Some found that other problems they were experiencing were also relieved.
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