Obiaks Blog

Online Dating - The Best Healing Medicine For a Broken Soul

There are many articles on the Internet about
online dating. Some are pro others are against it.
You can all kind of discussions on this matter
in various forums. But most of them are referring
to online dating finality and not to online
dating process benefits.
It is true that most of people which are spending
their time on online dating sites are singles
looking for a real relationship, looking for
someone special. All of them are interested into
the finality of online dating.
But there are a lot of people which are just out
from a long term relationship that are not yet
prepared to go back into the real dating scene.
There are married people, with families but
unhappy which have decided not to divorce for the
children’s sake or for other important personal
Online dating can be a miracle medicine for all
kind of unhappy, disappointed, solely souls.
So if your soul is crying just try the online
dating medicine, it can make a big difference in
your life. Beside the fact that you might even
find a partner for life - if that is what you’re
looking for, you can also enjoy many benefits for
your soul.
The best medicine for a broken soul is the
attention and appreciation of someone else. All
of us need to feel that we are important for
someone, no matter if that person is miles away,
no matter if we never have met that person or if
we already met him/her in our life.

One of my beliefs is that the most important for
our happiness is not our material situation, not
our health but our peace of soul. If you are ill
you can still smile, if you have no money in your
pocket you can smile, but if your soul is empty
your smile will look mostly like a grimace.
Human mind and imagination have no limits, and if
we are learning to express our thoughts, our
feelings, our wishes, online dating can fill a
big gap in our life. There are thousands of
lonely people that are looking just for someone’s
presence, for someone to talk and spend some good
time together (maybe a little online romance).
To be sure that you are not going to be
disappointed, when you are filling your online
profile do not forget to mention that you are up
to find someone to talk to, or the type of
relationship you are looking for. Be sincere from
the very beginning.
Another thing you must consider is that you are
not compatible with all people, so don’t give up
after you have talk to three or four people. Keep
searching till you find someone right for you,
someone that is matching your intellect level,
your style, and your hobbies.
What's next?
Just enjoy Online Dating benefits and after a
while you will be smiling again thinking: "LIFE
IS GOOD!" You'll see :)