Obiaks Blog

When Will I Reap My Financial Harvest

Everything we sow has its own specific season for reaping its harvest. God has a time set in concrete for all harvesting. We cannot change God's set time for the harvest of any seed we sow.
We can not arbitrarily plant a seed and tell God to "hurry up my harvest." Your particular seed has a specific "season" to bring in the harvest.
Eccl 3:1
1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: (KJV)
In other words, there is a set season or time for everything. We can't sow a thing that does not have a set time or season for reaping. We can not arbitrarily change the reaping season.
Ps 104:23
23 Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour until the evening. (KJV)
Ps 104:27
27 These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season. (KJV)
We work and labor. But the meat from this work and labor comes from God. And it comes in due season. We can not change God's appointed season.
All our reaping will occur exactly when it is due and not before. God operates on a "due season" basis and He sets the due date.
When we sow financial seed into God's work, each of them is assigned a "due date." No harvest reaping will be possible before the assigned due date of each individual seed we have sown.
2 Cor 9:6
6 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. (KJV)
Paul equates our giving financial offerings with sowing and reaping in the context of 2 Cor. 9:6 above. We readily see that, for Paul, offerings were the same as sowing.
Since sowing brings a harvest, we can expect a harvest of our financial seed sown, just like we can expect a harvest of cotton, corn or any other kind of seed.
This harvest from "kinds of seed sown," in other than agricultural seed, is demonstrated from Paul's statement below about "well doing."
Gal 6:9
9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. (KJV)
Planting financial seed in God's work is certainly "well doing." And notice the harvest date for this planting! The harvest date is the first day of the month called "Due Season" for that particular seed.
Finally, we must know that different kinds of seeds require different lengths of time to reach their appointed harvest dates. So it is with planting financial seed.
Some come to their due season for harvest rather quickly. Some require, however, a rather lengthy time before their due harvest season.
The largest harvest usually requires the longest time to reach its due season. So be patient.
A certain person planted many seeds in a ministry that was qualified to bring forth the large harvest. They became impatient while waiting for their harvest.
Then they heard someone say, "If you are not reaping now, you have been sowing into the wrong field. Sow into my field and you will reap now."
The problem with the above is this. If the above person changes the "field" where they give and start receiving immediately, the harvest they are reaping probably came from the field they just left. You see, it was the good ground after all.
For someone to say "my field causes quicker reaping" is nonsense. The large harvest takes the greatest time to reach its own "due season." This so called new field, “my field,” can not generate an instant harvest.
Be patient. Your harvest will come in its own due season.