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Having A Balanced Diet

All of us need to eat healthy to stay healthy. Good health is something which solely depends on what you eat and how much which take care of our self. A balanced diet is very important for every individual to work and lead a healthy life. A balanced diet must contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, mineral salts and fiber. It must contain all these things in correct proportions.
The following healthy Eating Guidelines will help you understand the importance of balanced diet in the life of a person.
1) Have your meal daily: Every one needs to plan their meals. Your food should be balanced with adequate proportion of nutrients. Avoid skipping meals as much as possible as this affects the growth of your body. You need to have three meals and two additional snacks every day. Try to have your snacks and food at the same time everyday.
2) Eat variety of food: You need to have different varieties of food everyday. Eating different types of food provides your body with all the nutrients required to stay healthy.
3) Avoid consuming Sugar: If you feel like having something sweet try avoiding it as much as you can, sugar deteriorates the level of energy in your body. You can rather have fresh fruits or high protein snack instead. However this does not mean you cannot have any sweets and desserts. You can have small proportions of cakes, muffins, cookies, honey or any other dessert at the end of a healthy meal.
4) Avoid eating excess food: Eat when you are hungry and stop eating when you are full. Proper intake of food will help you remain active, relaxed and at your best. You can consult your doctor as to how much to eat especially if you want to lose weight.
5) Drink sufficient water: Water plays a very important role as far as your health is concerned. You need to consume lots of water every day. Drink more water as compared to fresh juices and soda.
6) Avoid High fat food: Avoid eating high fat food such as butter, margarine, potato chips, fried food and junk food. They have high amount of fats and are not considered healthy for your heart. However you can choose fats that are healthy for your heart such as salads, nuts, olives, avocados and vegetable oil.
7) You need to be physically active for at least one hour every day. This will help your body to function properly and grow at a healthy rate.

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