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The Top 2 Ways To Market Your Web Writing Service

Marketing your web writing service is a huge part of a successful freelance business. Online marketing, networking, publicity, and advertising are such valuable tools, it's critical to know what works best.
Here are two No-Fail methods to advertise yourself as a web writer: Develop your own web site that is optimized for search engines, and network!
As an Internet writer, it's important to have your own web site. Most writers create web sites to use as a point of referral for potential clients. Their sites include detailed listings of services, a list of previous projects and clients, and the site itself displays their writing talents.
Writers will display their web site address in collateral and promotional material, which is good, but not enough!
Many writers new to web writing don't realize what a web site can do. They simply don't expect that a potential client will stumble across their web site and call with a major job.
Writers experienced in the art of SEO web content understand the true value of a website. A search engine optimized (SEO) website can be extremely effective for attracting new clients. This should be number one on your list of online marketing strategies.
When you understand and master SEO writing, not only will you be found by the very people that wish to hire a writer, but you will also increase your value and credentials as a web writer ten-fold.
Just as important, participation in writers' forums and other online activities helps produce business. Although you can spend a great deal of time wandering from web site to web site, it is valuable to communicate online with other writers and web designers. You gain professional knowledge (which you must never stop doing) and you may get referrals and assignments.
Now let's go offline. Sales authorities will tell you that without a referral or previous contact, it can take five to ten sales approaches (such as a phone call or a mailing) to get an actual business meeting with a potential client. Networking establishes relationships that can last the lifetime of your career.
Contribute articles to select professional and trade groups that you admire and care about. Volunteer to serve on a board or a committee. Attend workshops or seminars; even better, offer to speak at them.
Participate actively within professional workshops, and just as important, during the breaks. Instead of mingling or talking with people you know, sit with new faces and make contact. Prepare a short but memorable description of your business in the event a public introduction is called for.
Develop a relationship when it naturally fits, and follow up with a lunch invitation or an appropriate email or phone call. True professionals understand the value of networking and referrals, and are usually happy to help when they can. Just one strong alliance with the right person can open the door to untold opportunities for success.
Copyright 2006 Trish Andrews