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Herbal Viagra - Buy Viagra Alternatives Online

The Viagra alternatives appear to be equally effective in restoring erectile ability and contain a blend of different herbs, amino acids and vitamins that have been researched and found to facilitate sexual functioning.
Now You Can Substitute Viagra For A Natural Herbal Alternative That Beats Harmful Conventional Drugs!
It's simple. We've found an effective affordable way to give you all of nature's own proven secrets to great sex - with none of the frills or unnecessary (and unproven) ingredients found in other products. Our natural Viagra substitute supplements are free from the chemical trappings of other leading brands. Plus, our all-natural supplement blows the competition out of the water in terms of ease of use, potency, and libido enhancement. It works by increasing blood flow to the penis when a man is sexually aroused.
Chase each other around the bed again without worry of the side effects of expensive Viagra substitute supplements and prescription drugs.
'Herbal viagra': Is it safe?
Because herbal products aren't subject to the same rigorous standards as are prescription or over-the-counter medications, it's not possible to endorse any of these so-called herbal viagra products as "safe."
Many herbal products marketed as sexual stimulants claim to be "natural versions" of Viagra — but they are not the same as the prescription drug. Some contain substances (vasodilators) that improve blood flow by relaxing the walls of blood vessels. But no herbal products are as specific for blood vessels to the penis as Viagra and other similar prescription drugs are. As a result, these herbal remedies may cause generalized low blood pressure and restrict blood flow to vital organs.
Erectile Dysfunction and Herbal Viagra Alternatives
Over ten million men in this country suffer from Erectile Dysfunction (also called impotence)... they experience trouble having and keeping an erection of the penis. Viagra (sildenafil citrate), a prescription drug, has been prescribed by many health care practitioners in response to Erectile Dysfunction.
When a man is sexually aroused, the arteries in the penis widen and relax, allowing increased blood flow into the penis. The arteries in the penis expand, and the veins that normally carry blood away from the penis become compressed, restricting the blood flow out of the penis. With more blood flowing in and less flowing out, the penis enlarges, resulting in an erection.
If the nerves or blood vessels associated with this function aren't working properly, a man may have trouble getting an erection. Viagra increases blood flow to the penis, so that when a man is sexually aroused, he can get and keep an erection.
While Viagra has achieved success in many cases, there are also natural herbal Viagra alternatives available: herbal blends and organic supplements that are available without a prescription. These herbal Viagra alternatives can help achieve increased blood flow to the penis without using a synthetic drug compound... only natural herbal blends and vitamin / mineral combinations.
As with any food or herbal supplements, please consult your healthcare professional before starting a regular regimen.
Erectile Dysfunction & Impotence:
Erectile dysfunction is defined as the persistent inability to attain or maintain penile erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. The 1992 National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference recommends use of the term "erectile dysfunction" rather than "impotence," because it more accurately defines the problem and has fewer disparageing connotations.
• 50% of men with diabetes have erectile dysfunction, frequently within 10 years of diagnosis.
• The likelihood of erectile dysfunction increases with age: 39% at age 40, 65% over the age of 65.
• Smokers have a higher likelihood of erectile dysfunction. Men who smoke more than one pack per day have a 50% higher chance of impotency than nonsmokers of the same age.

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