Obiaks Blog

Manifesting Big Things Vs. Small Things

Manifesting is all about vibration and vibration is all about how you can align yourself with what you want. Let’s say you are presently living in a small village in a third world country, you have no running water and your next meal is an uncertainty. You have a great desire to visit the United States and have lots of money. If you decided to apply the law of attraction steps to manifest that into your life it would take some time for several reason.
For someone who lives in such a state that desire would be a big thing but for someone living in Canada that would probably be a small thing. Big or small is all relative to where we presently are compared to where we want to be or what we want to manifest into our lives.
The further away something is from you the bigger it may seem to be in terms of getting it into your life. If you wanted to manifest 10k but you had only $5.00 in your bank account then you are presently not in alignment with the 10k you are only a vibrational match for $5.00. How does that problem get solved in order for you to begin manifesting 10k?
The universe may take you through a series of steps that lead you to the fastest route to that 10k. Each step or placement moves you into greater vibrational alignment with the 10k. The close you get to that 10k the stronger of a match you become to that amount of money and the easier it is to manifest it.
The solution to manifesting what you consider a big thing is to immediately place yourself in the setting of that thing. The more you are in association with the sort of thing that you want the faster it will enter your life.
If you are seeking wealth but you are broke place yourself in the company of people who have more money. Visit places that seem wealthier. The more time you spend in such places the more of a vibrational match you become and the ability to manifest that big thing becomes easier. Manifesting is all about becoming and alignment with what you want. You are in greater alignment with wealth if simply you are in the presence of it.