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Is Your Diet Causing Wrinkles?

Aging is a natural sequence of life, yet many of us can’t face it gracefully. Grey hair, sagging skin and ugly wrinkles are by products of the aging process. Every one of us hates wrinkles and wish they would never occur, but aging and wrinkled skin are inevitable. As despairing as it sounds there are solutions available to delay the advent of aging and wrinkles.
What are wrinkles?
Wrinkles refer to those thin and creased lines that appear on the softer portions of our body like the face, neck and hands and results in sagging skin due to decreased elasticity of the skin.
Are you susceptible to wrinkles?
Along with the natural aging process, exposure to sun, wind and environmental elements cause the appearance of wrinkles in many people over a certain age. But there are others, who are more prone to the attack of wrinkles at an early age because of genetic factors, lifestyle and behavioral choices. Individuals exposed to UV radiation from sunlight, either due to their profession or location of residence as well as heavy smokers are especially prone to the early development of wrinkles.
Individuals with lighter complexions experience premature appearance of wrinkles, while those with darker complexions are less prone to their development. Due to the larger presence of melanin, the skins of the latter group suffer a reduced level of penetration of UV rays from sunlight. Rapid weight loss over a short time span also causes development of wrinkles because of the loss of fat cells.
Free Radicals and the Occurrence of Wrinkles
Free radical damage is considered one of the most vital source of skin damage and appearance of wrinkles. These free radicals severely harm the skin by breaking down the skins support structures. They diminish elasticity of skin and the resilience of skin is lost and the aging process sets in.
Antioxidants are meant to reduce the damage caused by free radicals. When antioxidant protection is inadequate in our body, free radicals cause damage. The activities of free radicals can be neutralized through antioxidants abundant in vitamins A, C, and E, beta carotene, selenium, zinc and more.
Thus by consuming foods and vitamins rich in antioxidants and through the application of skin care products rich in antioxidants, you can stall the process of wrinkling of skin.
How to combat wrinkles
NOTE: Always consult your physician first before implementing any new diets, therapies and/or implementing any skin care regimen or procedures, especially if you have existing skin conditions and/or are prone to rashes and/or have sensitive skin and/or are allergic to certain ingredients that may be included in any skin care formulations or are allergic to any components natural or synthetic that may be mentioned.
There is more than one way to combat unwanted wrinkles and creases on your skin.
As mentioned above, topical creams and lotions rich in antioxidants, vitamin A and retinol produce greater results in concealing wrinkle lines. Also, supplements particularly rich in vitamin E and vitamin C work wonderfully in returning some of the lost resilience of the skin. Vitamin K (caution if you’re taking blood thinners) is also popularly used in the treatment of wrinkles. Also, hormone replacement therapy helps regain healthy skin in postmenopausal women.
Wrinkle Prevention tips
Prevention is better than cure.
- Use Sun block lotions every time you go out in the sun.
- Wear sunglasses and use an umbrella or wear a hat.
- Wear protective clothing.
- Eat plenty of antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables.