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Making The Most Of A Headphone Review

Getting the best from a headphone review. Listening to my music through a set of quality hi fi home studio stereo speakers is the ultimate for least until the found the other option. I like hearing the mid-range vocals coming out clear and crisp. The bass is something I like to feel as well as hear.
The problem comes when everyone else wants to sleep and I still want to listen to some of my favorite music. In my quest to feed the audiophile inside me, I finally determined headphones were the answer. It was either that or go it alone. But, this presented an entirely new set of problems.
I discovered "these cans" had some a long way since the last time I was looking. I had choices and a lot of them. I could get them with open end or closed end. In my case, I determined closed end would be best so what I was listening to could not go out and disturb anyone around me. It seems with an open can, the sound is still dispersed somewhat into the surrounding area.
I found out about passive and active noise canceling. I had to choose whether I wanted the background noise canceled by just the ear pieces themselves (passive) or were those little electronics inside going to stop the ambient noise (active). This is actually a big question. Because I have a long commute to work, the active noise reducing headphones would make the noise go away. Outside sounds like people talking and appliances running would also have no affect on my streaming audio. I liked this idea. I found makes and types that allowed me to switch between active and passive mode. This was perfect.
In my quest for the best headphones, I ran into a technology I had never heard before about stereo head sets. Bluetooth. What is bluetooth? Wireless? In ear? No cords? You have got to be kidding. This wireless stuff was sounding very interesting. I could move with my music and not land on my keester because I tripped on the cord. All I had to do was buy a wireless set for my stereo and I was good to go. I could move up to 300 feet away and still enjoy my tunes. This meant I could be all over the house and listen to the radio or my favorite CD. I was REALLY liking this option. I can not stand to sit for very long.
Finding all this out about a simple set of headphones made me realize it was not a simple thing and a little more in depth than I initially thought. What else was I to discover?
Well, how about the ultimate in any audiophile's dream…surround sound. I could get a head unit that gave me true theater quality music with the touch of a button. I have since found out many wireless sets like the Koss, Sony and Sennheiser RS-110, RS-120, RS130 and RS140 from all have single button surround sound. This was sounding pretty good to me. I learned I could switch from stereo sound to surround sound any time I wanted.
Because of what I was able to find out, I was able to make my choice of the headphones I wanted. They are perfect for me. I am pleased with what I bought. There is a set out there for you, too. Just do some research and some reviews like I did and you can discover a complete listening experience like no other.

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