Obiaks Blog

Get Greater Profits With The Use Of Blogs, RSS And Article Marketing

One of the fastest ways to generate traffic to your site is with the use of blogs, RSS and article marketing. In addition, Bogs, RSS and article marketing are almost free to low cost, thus assuring you of greater profits.
Blogs are easy to set up quickly and can be on any topic imaginable. It is a good idea to set up a blog to cater to a particular niche market or to have one for your existing site. Combined with the use of RSS (Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary), your blog’s online content can be turned into a RSS feed and syndicated (distributed) pretty easily. RSS creates a simple headline that if clicked on leads the reader to the full story. All the reader needs to do is to subscribe to your RSS feeds through a little orange button from your site with the aid of a RSS feed reader. Blog posts are usually short and if you post often enough, spiders from the search engines will come crawling more often.
Article marketing is simply writing articles about your niche area and submitting them to online article directories and ezine newsletters for publicity. At the bottom of the article, you are allowed to insert your author’s resource box. This is where you write a few promotional lines about yourself and your site and include your site link.
You can use your blog posts to link to the articles that you have written. A good size article is usually longer at about 300-600 words compared to a blog post. By referencing your articles in your blog, you are giving them more publicity mileage. In fact, I highly recommend the use of article marketing to generate publicity for your site. It is almost free, save for article distribution costs that you may decide to purchase instead of submitting to the sites manually.
Many online article directories also offer RSS syndication from their sites. This provides an avenue for online visitors to subscribe to the RSS feed for a particular category that you have submitted your article to. Chances are some of them may also be looking for RSS feeds to be incorporated into their sites for their own website visitors. Others may simply be very interested in this category for their own personal consumption. A good example is if your article is on constipation and you submit your article under the category of “health”. A webmaster may be on the lookout for RSS feeds for his health site. Or someone who is highly constipated may be particularly interested in what you post in your blog. Through the author’s resource box in your article, they can find your site and the RSS subscription button to your blog posts and articles pretty easily.
Thus, RSS has the potential to give your blog great exposure to a wide audience of subscribers building a bigger readership in less time. If you also optimize your blog content and the articles that you write for your site at the same time with a good keyword strategy, then you will be assured of free search engine traffic. Lots of traffic plus huge readership can only mean greater profits!