Gross Archive

The Dog Diet

In the not-too-distant past, Patti Lawson was diet-obsessed. You name it-she tried them all.
And so it went until a little dog taught her some big lessons about life.
Mourning the end of her latest relationship one winter, Lawson was spending most of her time at home, eating every imagin-able comfort food. Until she found herself in a pet shop adopting a puppy.
After a few months of life with Sadie, someone in her office asked if she had lost weight. What was she doing?
"I blurted out...The Dog Diet...and realized it was so true...Sadie had gotten me active, helped me eat less, and also taught me how to lighten my mind...not just my body," said Lawson, author of "The Dog Diet" (HCI Books, $16.95), an award-winning author and trial attorney.
Lawson coined the term "dogersise," which is "anything that gets you moving with your dog and helps you burn calories, have fun and feel better." The basis of the program is walking, but there are exercises and activities to do with your dog.
Lawson also learned that eating certain foods-cottage cheese, fruits and veggies-was not only healthy for her but prevented Sadie from begging for scraps (a no-no according to her vet).

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