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Fasting A Day Helps In Many Ways

It may be a surprise for many but fasting is very good for our body if not done in excess. It is one of the best ways to clear toxins which are clogged in your body. It cleanses your body and improves your health. The accumulated fat in the body becomes a good source of energy. It is also said, by fasting on regular intervals your mind works sharply. You are not required to starve yourself to death while fasting.
If you are suffering from some disease it is a sign, given by your body, to stop eating. If you consume food during your illness it would be similar, to providing food to your sickness. The healing capacity increases by not eating. During the process of fasting you may suffer from headaches, nausea which is very normal. These conditions will bother you for few days.
Due to the decomposition of the toxic waste we can prevent many diseases like cardiovascular and circulatory glitches. Problems of digestion can be easily cleared by having clear bowel movements. Respiratory troubles like asthma and bronchitis can be slowly and gradually cured. Fasting also reduces weight because being overweight brings too many diseases along with it.
This act of avoiding food helps you to break free from addictions like caffeine and alcohol. Your bad eating habits get reduced tremendously. Junk food which we keep having creates unwanted problems for our system. A good diet gives you a disease free and healthy body. Every organ gets exerted to provide you with a fit and fine body. It grants you freedom from some of the common ailments like cold, flu, sinusitis and allergies.
If you are planning to manage your day just by drinking, you can use this herbal drink to clear your stomach. Take 8 cups of water in that mix ingredients like 4 tsp. cumin, 4 tsp. coriander powder, 8 cardamom pods, 4 tsp. crushed fennel seeds, 2 pinch black pepper, 1/2 tsp ginger powder or slice of ginger. After bringing this mixture to boil, simmer for five minute. Remove from gas and keep it covered with a lid for 15-20 minutes. Strain this liquid and have it warm throughout the day. You can also have clarified butter mixed in hot water every morning on empty stomach to remove toxins.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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