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Choose Your Blog Type - A Bloggers Choice

There is no limit to the kinds of blog you can build, just as there are no limits to your imagination. Many bloggers choose a general subject, like nutrition or travel, and post anything they find interesting on their general topic. Other bloggers concentrate on a narrower focus, like women’s nutrition, or singles vacations, in the hope of gaining a targeted audience.

If your primary interest is in monetizing your blog, a blog with a narrow focus, in terms of generating traffic, is more likely to generate clicks from your readers as well as actual sales.

Almost every blog will fall into one of eleven categories: politics, religion, social networking, business, travel, science, physical or emotional health, sports and fitness, travel, gossip, or personal reflections.

And while blog directories, where you can post links to your blog, may have other names for their classifications, you will have no trouble picking the ones which are the best fit for your blog’s contents.

Social networking blogs have become insanely popular, as sites like MySpace have allowed their members to connect through their blogs’ functions. MySpace has had an enormous effect on the number of people now blogging, and there are an estimated eighty million blogs now online, with almost one hundred and twenty thousand new ones being added each day.

The enormous member base of MySpace has brought it to the attention of marketers, who see it as a potentially lucrative source of advertising revenue.

Blog directories will also categorize your blog according to the program with which you built it. and WordPress are two of the leading blogging platforms, and directories will often put all the blogs from one platform in a single category, with a system which allows users to surf them at will.

If you want to hook up with bloggers from your part of the world, some blog directories like Blog Wise permit you to search for blogs according to where they originate. You can start a blog covering the things you want to share about your city or country, and submit your link to these sites.

Finally, there are the vlogs, or video logs. To create a video log, you’ll have to learn to shoot and upload video to your blog, but most blogging platforms make the uploading part very simple. Most vlogs, however, allow their readers to contribute their own videos, and you may not always like what you get!

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