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Breasts Discharge & Lump

Breasts are supposed to be most attractive part of a female body. Most of the women feel pride to have beautiful breasts but what if they are not healthy? Women who provide breastfeeding to their child have breast discharge which is quite common but in any other case it might be a symptom that needs treatment. Any sort of breast lump also needs to be examined so that there is no risk of breast cancer at a later stage.
Circumstances other than normal breastfeeding, where a woman faces continuous breast discharge may be due to hormonal imbalance known as galactorrhea. Any liquid release other than breast milk could be a sign of infection, inflammation or tumor in the breast. The pituitary, thyroid, adrenal and ovarian glands are responsible for the production of breast milk. If the thyroid gland is not producing enough hormones then it could lead to untimely release of breast milk. Other reason could be a non cancerous growth on the pituitary gland and at the same time the menstruation may stop. Even if there is some diseases of the part of the brain that controls pituitary gland or causes such as stress, sexual simulation or intake of drugs such as birth control pills, narcotics, antidepressants could be held responsible for breast discharge.
Most of the abovementioned cases don’t have much risk whereby the physician may ask for blood test, breast tests or analysis of the fluid. If the liquid is not milk or is bloody, thin, green, and white or yellow it could be possibly a breast tumor or infection. In case the blood levels of the hormone controlling breast milk known as prolactin increases or if your menstrual cycles changes, the physician may ask you to look for your pituitary gland. Pituitary tumors can be removed through surgery.
Remember that if there is any breast lump found, it is not necessary that it is going to be cancer. The most common reason for non cancerous breast lump is a condition known as fibrocystic breast changes. These lumps are filled with fluid and become painful and swollen few days before the menstrual cycle and again shrink after the menstrual cycle. In case the lump doesn’t disappears even after a month it needs to be examined by the physician.
Non cancerous lumps could be formed by blood clots in the breasts, any breast infection, fibroadenoma, lumps in breasts including bloody liquid from the nipple, inflammation of the tissue beneath the nipple due to some hole in the duct.
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