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Things To Know About Selecting A Child Day Care Providers

Most parents think childcare is a baby-sitting service. This is a misconception, as childcare is a profession as any other. There are so many important things to note about the challenging and rewarding career of being a childcare provider.
Childcare is a business and the providers are professionals. The childcare providers will have rules, regulations, work schedules’ and pay rates for the care provided. The provider will take his/her own time to create a handbook, contract, and other details that help to foster communications and understanding.
Childcare providers and parents should be clear on the rules such as transportation, discipline approaches, food to be given, and other care issues. If the rules put forth by the providers are not acceptable by the parents, both of them have the liberty to go elsewhere.
As per the Rule-101 in the kid book, accidents will happen. Parents should not over-react if their child gets a scratch or bumps a knee. Providers do their very best to keep kid play safe and positive, and to foster sharing and friendship among the children.
Avoid putting a provider in custody battles, spouse disagreements or other domestic concerns. Providers will abide by the signed agreement of who can and cannot bring or pick up a child. If there is a court order, the provider needs to have a copy.
When selecting your child day care center, do be selective. Survey the playground area, general cleanliness of the facility and most of all check licensing (if applicable in your local area).

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